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Monday, September 21, 2020

It's True But

 It's difficult to explain to children about the stories in the Bible.  What would you call them, myths, legends, tales, stories, folklore?


The beginning had to have been true.  The people were real.  The event real.  But each person telling the oral history was telling it his way, his feelings, his opinions, and his conclusions.  


Pretty soon the conclusion is more important than the original event.  


Finally, the meaning, the conclusion, the theme is more important than the original fact.

Take Santa Claus.


There was a St. Nicholaus of Myrna.


He gave presents and money to help people


He'd throw presents down chimneys and they landed in stockings.

The only trouble is, with children I can't use the example of Santa Claus.  What else can I use?

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