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Friday, January 3, 2020

Hurtful People

Do you know any negative people?  How do you handle them?

Fortunately, I only know one.  He always looks to criticize?  He's narrowminded and he has no filter.  He mouths off the first thing that enters his mind.  He's worse on Facebook.  I posted 9 ways to spot fake news. mouths off the first thing that enters his mind.  This is his immediate comment: "how to spot a fake news story?......probably published by this Huffington post liberal piece of fish wrap....HUFPO is a" gay loving" Catholic hating progressive propaganda machine... 

His comment is unabashedly opinionated.  There is no attempt to respond kindly or even fairly.  I started to respond in a like manner but decided to post my thoughts on my blog, instead.

How to recognize defamatory statements:   

1.1.       Read past the name.
2.2   Check the history of previous opinions of the author.
3.3       Was the statement a “too quick to judge” conclusion?
4.4    Author never looks for the good.
5.5       Author spreads disinformation and doesn’t even attempt to be unbiased, prejudice-free, non-partisan, neutral, nor objective.
6.6    Statements are misleading if not blatantly wrong.
7.7       No sources quoted to back up erroneous statements.
8.8       No authority to make considerate opinions or decisions.
9.9       Statements are reactionary judgements, not thoughtful reflection.
110.   Statements are aimed to inflame, shock and insult.

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