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Sunday, August 5, 2018

New and Improved

Lectio:   Ezekiel 36: 25-27

I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities, and from all your idols I will cleanse you.  I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts.  I will put my spirit within you and make you live by my statutes, careful to observe my decrees.


Ezekiel had thought the people had to repent and remain righteous if they were ever to leave Babylon.  But here Ezekiel prophesizes a new message.  God is going to gather His people and bring them back where He will purify them and remove their idols. God will give them new hearts so they can hear His Word.  Now they can obey and remain obedient, with the help of the Spirit.


This Lectio has a different and very personal meaning for me.  My non-church going husband is having open heart surgery on the feast of Saint Dominic.  (May St. Dominic intercede for me.)  So I am praying that hubby's new heart will hear God's Word.  That he will desire to get as close to God as possible, with the help of the Spirit.


St. Dominic, you are known to have much compassion.  I pray that you continue my prayers to have hubby's surgery successful.  And that this time of recuperation be an opportunity to grow in faith.


St. Dominic, ora pro mi spousa.

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