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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Have You Wasted Your Life?

Do you think this question is subjective?

Do you sometimes wonder if you've wasted your life?

Does everybody ask that question?  I wonder if prisoners ask that?  What about missionaries?  Monks?

I suppose it all depends on what one thinks the purpose of life is.  If you are religious and believe that the purpose of life is to give glory to God then the prisoner, missionary and monk could very well be very successful.  And the very rich man who never gives God nor his neighbor a thought is a failure in this life.

Ecclesiastes 12: 9-13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter; fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

I like this definition of living a useful and successful life.  I think it sounds so simple, yet most people don't fear God.  Most have a value system that is the opposite of God's.

How about leaving the world a better place than when you found it?  Mmmm.  How about making yourself the best God fearing person you can be?

Are you a better person today than a year ago, ten years ago?

Keep at it.

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