G.K. Chesterton once said that he didn't want to belong to a church that told him he was right, when he was right. He wanted a church to tell him he was wrong, when he thought he was right.
I always liked that thought. I think wrestling with the church's teachings are good. It shows that you are taking the church seriously. You have to think through the reasons why the church is teaching a dogma. The church never tells you what to do because all humans have free will. The church explains its teachings and asks for the respect to consider its teachings. They need to be studied, maybe researched, and definitely prayed upon.
Like Chesterton, I want to know when I'm wrong. I'll take it seriously and look into it. Praying, all the while.
I always liked that thought. I think wrestling with the church's teachings are good. It shows that you are taking the church seriously. You have to think through the reasons why the church is teaching a dogma. The church never tells you what to do because all humans have free will. The church explains its teachings and asks for the respect to consider its teachings. They need to be studied, maybe researched, and definitely prayed upon.
Like Chesterton, I want to know when I'm wrong. I'll take it seriously and look into it. Praying, all the while.