This week I wrote every day, except for Saturday. We celebrated Father's Day that day, a day earlier. It was just easier. When you're adult children have children, they have three fathers to honor, i.e., their own, their spouses', and their husband (he's a father, too). So we spread Father's Day out--all weekend. Anyway, no post.
The best ones this week was my first attempt at a ballad about the Boston Marathon. I also choose the parable called, A Prayer Group Tale. This story was so much fun, I think I'll make it a series. I'll have this simple, self-effacing, prayer group tell tales of spiritual heroism.
What I find strange is that my favorite posts are the ones that get the least hits. I know all I have to do is post something controversial and I'll get lots of hits. But I'm not about "getting in your face." And what I find very, very sad, is that my most popular posts, are about getting jobs. I pray for job seekers.
Anyway, here's this Sunday's Snippets. Be sure to check out others at This n' That Blogspot.