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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Spring Concert

Tonight, hubby and I had the pleasure of attending the Spring Concert of the Prolatio Singers.  This is an a cappella singing chorale.  You probably have never heard the likes of it.  They have beautiful voices and blend together exquisitely.

Their director is Dennis E. Ferguson.  He's the force behind Prolatio.  He began with Luis de Victoria's Nobis datus from the Pange lingua gloriosi chant.  It is traditionally sung today at Mass, the Solemnity of the Feast of Corpus Christi. Another hymn for the Feast of Corpus Christi was Oculi omnium by Charles Wood. 

The Missa Ascendens Christus is a Mass, incorporating five voices, to celebrate the ascension of Christ.  It was worthy of the glory of God.  The program ends with Rachmaninov's Bogoroditse Devo, which is a Russian text for the Ave Maria.

I only wish their audience were bigger.  They are the best kept secret in town.

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