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Sunday, June 9, 2013


There are all sorts of communities.  I fit into many.  The one that I'm most comfortable in is my religious community.  However, next would be my parish community.  In both these, I can be "me."  In my work community I have to think.  You never know what repercussions might follow any careless comments I might make.  The same with internet communities.  My neighborhood community has to be kept at a respectful distance.  I don't particular like some of these people, but we're neighbors, if not friends.

Today, at a going away reception for our parish priest, I experienced my parish community.  I feel that we related to each other as Christ did.  I helped serve others.  Fellowship with Christ means fellowship with my brothers and sisters.  After all, we make up the body of Christ.  In listening to the different conversations of my brothers and sisters I felt, and saw, how open and receptive we are to each other. Our responses seemed so respectful and considerate of each other.

It just reminded me that wherever Christians come together in His name, He is present.  He was there.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...