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Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Today is a perfect day.  I know that Thursday is my hiking day, but I wanted to take advantage of God's beauty, so I went for a walk today.  I started out walking on the sidewalk on Lincoln Street, a fairly busy street.  About a mile up the road there's a length of woods.  I've often notice a path off the sidewalk leading into the woods.  I have always just passed it by.

Who would walk in the woods, alone?

My iPhone was playing "Lead me..." and the path looked so inviting.  I saw a hawk soar above the woods.

I took my ear plugs out and listened.  I heard the woods.  The sounds from the woods were talking to me.  They were calling me by name.

I took the path.  Thanks be to God, I saw His glory.  There were many off shoots from the path, but I could see that they led to houses. The woods wasn't very deep.  I was never out of sight of Lincoln street, or buildings.

Wild flowers, ferns, trees, and birds lived in this heaven.  I also came across the most magnificent club house, some kids had made.  It reminded me of the treehouses my own kids constructed.  If they ever saw this one, they'd be jealous.

Look how they used a tree to make a corner.

I even found quite a large brook.  Too big to jump across, so someone had made a bridge.  I turned around soon after the brook because I could see that the path led to a school.

Sometimes taking the path less traveled leads to good things.  Thanks be to God.

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