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Friday, March 13, 2009

Conscience Protections Rule

The US Dept. of Health and Human Services is accepting comments until April 9th on its move to rescind a Bush administration regulation giving federal protection to the conscience rights of health care providers.

The Dept. is looking for comments on four specific aspects of the regulations

(1) The nature of the problems giving rise to the federal rule, including examples (be specific) and how the current rule would resolve the problems.

(2) Information, with examples again, to support or refute allegations the the rule "reduces access to info and health care services, particularly by low-income women."

(3) Is the rule understandable?

(4) Could the objectives of the rule be accomplished through other means, such as education?

Planned Parenthood has files suit against the regulations of the past administration and is trying to rescind them. PP has said that rescinding the regulation would restore "the rights of patients to receive complete and accurate reproductive health info and services, without fear that health care providers will withhold vital info and services based on their personal beliefs.

Your comments may be submitted electronically on the web site (by entering 0991-ab49 in the search box) or via email to

Snail mail needs one original and two copies of written comments sent to: Office of Public Health and Science, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Attention: Rescission Proposal Comments, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Ave. SW, Room 716G, Washington, DC 20201

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