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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Response to Cronkhite Canada Syndrome

the path seemed as easy and unsuspecting
as falling in love,
but that’s the draw–the love pulls like taffy
and everything is sweet;
then the path veered away from the warmth;
and You were silent.
The path was very cold among silent gods;
hypothermia in the soul
worse than the purgatorial illness
confusing Jesus
with zeus and mars and zen and no one;
and You were silent;
warm love emanated from the circle’s center;
I felt it.
dare I crawl closer, unworthy worm that I am;
I believed it;
You were there. You are there. You were there.
help my unbelief.
Mary, John, and Mary hovered at the foot of Your cross;
I believe it
My husband, children, and friends stayed by mine,
I saw them as
I saw You in their eyes and hands and words;
I walked the path.

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