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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Advent Wreath Fire

A Christmas Eve to remember! Since my children are adults, now, we exchange presents on Christmas Eve because Christmas day they go visit their in-laws, and boy friends and girl friends. So there we are exchanging gifts, after our supper of Chinese food. No one was paying attention to the Advent wreath, which was the center piece on the dining table. Karen asked, "What was that burning smell?"
"What' smell?"
I think we all looked at the fire place at the same time. But this was a different smell--a pine smell.
I looked at the table, and there was our Advent wreath on fire! Dick threw his wine on the fire and then someone else threw water. It was out and no damage done, except that's the end of that Advent wreath. We won't be able to light the white Christmas candle.
But we got a new story to add to our repertoire of Christmas tales.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was babysitting and the client told me it was o.k. to light the advent wreath. It caught on they want me to pay for the burned table. These things are an accident waiting to happen??
I would not "EVER" have one of these things!!!!!

Any one else out there had this happen. I would never have light the thing, had the lady not told me it was o.k.

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