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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Generational Trauma

 Matthew 27: 25 has always made me wonder, if this generational curse is why the Jewish people have often been discriminated and persecuted.  Is there such a thing as cursing descendants for generations?  Sometimes I think it's so.  

And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children."

The Many Daughters of Afong Moy, by Jamie Ford, brought this idea of generational curses to mind. This novel is about Dorothy, suffering from generational trauma.  Her daughter reminds Dorothy of the problems she made in her life, and she decides to undergo an experimental treatment to rid herself of generational trauma.  It involves her mind and emotions going through the generations of her maternal ancestors.

This is the story. No curse was put on anyone, but there certainly was trauma.  The stories go back about five generations to Afong Moy.  It is confusing and to tell you the truth, "off putting."  However, it made me think and wonder about generational trauma.  Unless stories are carried down from mother to daughter, how would one know?  Then, doesn't everyone's life have some trauma?  

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