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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Generational Trauma

 Matthew 27: 25 has always made me wonder, if this generational curse is why the Jewish people have often been discriminated and persecuted.  Is there such a thing as cursing descendants for generations?  Sometimes I think it's so.  

And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children."

The Many Daughters of Afong Moy, by Jamie Ford, brought this idea of generational curses to mind. This novel is about Dorothy, suffering from generational trauma.  Her daughter reminds Dorothy of the problems she made in her life, and she decides to undergo an experimental treatment to rid herself of generational trauma.  It involves her mind and emotions going through the generations of her maternal ancestors.

This is the story. No curse was put on anyone, but there certainly was trauma.  The stories go back about five generations to Afong Moy.  It is confusing and to tell you the truth, "off putting."  However, it made me think and wonder about generational trauma.  Unless stories are carried down from mother to daughter, how would one know?  Then, doesn't everyone's life have some trauma?  

Sunday, October 27, 2024


 When a loved one dies, many people, not just family, grieves.  The family is in shock and really doesn't realize that many people are affected.  Even the cashier in the store, who used to joke with the deceased, will grieve.  

Funerals help.  It's a way to say, "good-bye."  It's the last thing you can do for a person who has gone forever out of your life.

Last week, the wake for Father Jack was postponed, due to fire.  There will be some sort of services, in the future.  But the people are in limbo.  I've heard, "I wish I could have seen him, one last time."  Unfortunately, he was buried.  

Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Father of Mindfulness

 The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh is a book about how to live in seven meditations.  Thick Nhat Hanh is a spiritual leader, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize, and numerous book awards.  The Art of Living explains his teachings on "mindfulness."  As a member of TOPS, I know that eating mindfully is recommended.  You enjoy it more, it takes longer, and you appreciate all that went into making the food.  The reader will see how this approach to life, would work similarly.  

This guide to living mindfully will give a person, peace and happiness.  In the beginning, the author suggests that the book be read with the idea that the reader is walking in the forest.  At times, you have to stop in wonder at nature.  Sometimes, you stop to breathe.  Sometimes you stop to rest.  Sometimes you stop for refreshment.  This walk is the book's approach to life.

I think everyone can benefit from living mindfully.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Like Jesus

My parish had a fire.  My pastor appeared on TV and said "We forgive whomever did this."  At first, I wondered why he said that, then I remembered that that was what Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."

Why would anyone set fire to a church?  Make a statement?  Well, what could that be?  

Tragedies pull people together.  My town is having a town-wide support event in our Town Common on Sunday.  

Whomever did this, we pray for you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Liberation Theology

 The priest who is known as the Father of Liberation Theology has died.  He is a hero of mine.  The Peruvian theologian Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez OP, considered the father of Liberation Theology, died today at the age of 96 in Lima, leaving a profound legacy in the Church and in the social movements of Latin America. His most outstanding work, Liberation Theology. Perspectives (1971), transformed the way of understanding the Christian faith by linking it directly to social commitment and the struggle for the rights of the poorest and most oppressed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Momento Mori

 Since I decorated for Halloween, I am constantly reminded of the inevitability of death. It actually is too close for comfort. In a way, I can’t wait to hug Jesus—a long hug and see my parents and relatives and friends, but  I sure will miss my children and grandchildren. Oh, I will miss you, too!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Dental Sorrowful Mysteries

 Nothing brings me quicker and deeper into prayer than a dentist appointment. Today I had over a two hour appointment and another is forthcoming in three weeks.   

Thanks to the two hours plus appointment, I managed to pray all four mysteries of the Rosary. I never noticed how apropos the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary are, to being at the dentist's.  While waiting in the waiting room, I prayed the Agony in the Garden. Add the Scourging at the Pillar. Sitting in the dental chair, I thought, how coincidental that I'm being fitted for a crown, while praying the Crowning of Thorns.  Of course, the ordeal itself, was The Way of the Cross, and the Crucifixion.

The appointment was over two hours, so I also prayed the Joyful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries. That's 200 Hail Mary's.  It helps.  Praying always helps.

I also used my rosary ring, to pray.  It was spinning!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Help My Unbelief

 In Mark 9: 23-24, the crowd brought a boy to Jesus, who needed healing.  Jesus says that anything is possible if you have faith.  The boy's father cried out, "I do believe, help my unbelief." The father really wanted his son to be cured, and he hoped Jesus would cure him, but he could not bring himself to believe such happiness was possible.  The father feels his faith wavering and he is afraid his lack of trust will keep his son from being cured. 

Sometimes, I feel that my faith will falter, and God will find fault with me. So, I pray, Lord, help my unbelief.  Help me to believe more and more and more and more...

Saturday, October 19, 2024


 Twice today I was told to "shut up."  Do I talk too much?  Me?

The first was at a hockey game.  I was talking to my daughter and she turned to me and said, "I'll give you a challenge.  There's a minute and forty-one seconds left in the game, can you not talk for a minute and forty-one seconds."


I couldn't believe it.  I was hurt.  However, upon reflection, I realized that she must have been really focused on watching the game and I was distracting her focus.

Later that afternoon, I was in an elevator, when I saw my friend hurrying to make the elevator.  I held the door upon for her.  I also saw that she wasn't using her cane, and she was hurrying along just fine, carrying her cane like a purse.  I said, to encourage her, "You don't need your cane.  You were carrying it like a purse, not using it. "   

She turned to me and said, "Shut up!"

Well, I never!

Maybe, I do talk too much.  I mean twice in one day, maybe I should really examine my habits.  

How does one keep quiet?  I'll try somehow.  I think I'll consciously review my activity every hour.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sarajevo Haggadah

 The Sarajevo Haggadah is a rare book that comes from the fourteenth century.  It was found in Sarajevo.  A Haggadah is the prayer book used during the Passover Seder.  People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks, is historical fiction.  There is such a book, found in Sarajevo.  The restorer found a half an insect wing, a single white hair, some wine and blood stains.  How these things got in the book is the story and it is quite the story.

It is remarkable because the Haggadah is richly illustrated, and Jews didn't do that.  It's considered idolatry.  So, the story ends with the illustrator adding pictures, like the Christians did.  Since few could read in the fourteenth century, stain glass windows told the stories of the Bible.  This is what the Sarajevo Haggadah did.  It told the Biblical story. The author, Geraldine Brooks, has the illustrator using the pictures to teach a deaf child the story of the Passover.

The insect wing was traced to come from an extinct moth from Iran.  The white hair came from a Persian cat's hair, that at that time was used in paint brushes.  The author, Geraldine Brooks had different characters add their blood and spilled wine, in the story.  

Somehow, this prayer book survived the Inquisition, Nazi treasure hunters, war, careless handling, intrigue, and other conflicts.  It is a beautiful testament to faith and talent.  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Scripture Cake

 The other day, I received in the mail, a brochure from St. Joseph's Indian School.  It is full of recipes for Christmas.  This one is interesting, Scripture Cake.  I'm definitely making it for the church bake sale.  The references are silly, in that they mention the ingredient.  That's it.


1/2 cup butter-- Judges 5:25
1 1/2 cups sugar-- Jeremiah 6:20
1 teaspoon of each: cinnamon, mace, cloves-- 1 Kings 10:10
1/2 teaspoon salt-- Leviticus 2:13
3 eggs-- Isaiah 10: 14
2 teaspoons baking powder-- Luke 13:21
2 cups flour-- 1 Kings 4:22
1/2 cup water-- Genesis 24: 11
1 Tablespoon honey--Proverbs 24: 13
1 cup raisins -- 1 Samuel 30:12
1 cup figs-- 1 Samuel 30:12
1/2 cup almonds-- Genesis 43: 11


Blend butter, sugar, spices, and salt.  Beat egg yolks and add to butter mixture.  Sift in baking powder and flour, then add the water and honey.  Put fruit and nuts through food chopper and chop well.  Fold into batter.  Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.  Bake for 1 hour in 375 degree Fahrenheit oven.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


  Any prayer will help.  Just sitting and meditating on Jesus will do.

Friday, October 11, 2024


This is a picture of the sculptor working on a statue of Mary appearing in Fatima, Portugal. This statue was made according to the instructions of Lucia, who was there.  

However, what most people associate with this apparition is this statue:

Out of all the stories that surround this apparition, I found it odd that there's no attention given for the necklace, Mary is wearing.  

And there are BIG differences between the two statues.  Which one is accurate?  One has a crown.  One has the hands folded in prayer.  One has her heart on the outside.  One has a rosary.  And the one that interests me, one is wearing a necklace.  

You would think, vendors would be selling copies of that necklace.  Wouldn't we all want to wear the necklace Mary wore?

No one seems to know what it was.  It looks like a "new age" crystal, but of course, Mary isn't "new age."  Lately, I've been reading everything available to me, about what Lucia said about Mary.  Finally, I found in the book, Vision of Fatima, by Thomas Glynn, OP, that one cannot possibly describe accurately a vision that appeared three times, accurately.
In an interview to get more details for the statue, Fr. McGlynn asked Sr. Lucia about Our Lady’s appearance, beauty, and age. What was telling was that Sr. Lucia smiled and politely answered the questions (she always appeared to be about seventeen, never smiled but was pleasant, and her beauty was beyond telling) but also was unafraid to remark that these were foolish inquiries. There’s a humility in sharing what you know and also understanding that you cannot possibly fathom all that you have seen. Sr. Lucia shined with this humility.

 Regarding, the necklace that so concerns me:   Sr. Lucia insisted Our Lady's hands be positioned just so, the tunic fall exactly the way she remembered, the star placed on the proper spot on the tunic, and the ball of light around her neck reaching almost to her waist. She would make corrections as Fr. Tom worked, and at times would even take one of the tools and make changes to his model.

That's it.  The necklace held a ball of light and what we see is the artist's depiction.

Like Lucia was trying to say.  You can't describe the awesomeness.  

Sr. Lucia thought it was foolish to try to recount exactly how Our Lady looked

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Better Than A Stick in the Eye

 "Better than a stick in the eye," is a common expression, one will hear during one of our cribbage games.  It is said to someone who is not satisfied with the paltry points they received.

One of our players said that expression came from the Bible.


So we googled it.  The closest we came is Mathew 7: 3-5. "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while the log is in your own eye?

The context is completely different.  The scripture is referring to the hypocrisy of someone judging someone else.  Whereas the cribbage expression is trying to offer encouragement.

The only thing they have in common is the "wood."  

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Barbara Walters

 The Rulebreaker is a biography of Barbara Walters.  It is very, very, well researched.  I read this on KINDLE and I finished the book and kindle told me that I've only read 67% of the book.  The rest were notes, permissions and index.

I grew up watching Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs in the morning, while I got ready for school.  I had no idea she was a pioneer for women journalists.  I think she's beautiful and gutsy.  She made mistakes but to her credit, she only made them once.  So, she's a frail human.  Are you going to cast the first stone?

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I Am Officially A Grandmother


A grandmother:
        white, wispy hair,
                  disregarded as irrelevant.

                 lips have narrowed,
                    yet many laugh lines.

Full of love:
                        matriarch of the family,
             sacrificed much.

                       conversations with God,
           constant prayers.

A grandmother:
    white, wispy hair,
    disregarded as irrelevant.


Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...