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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Plan B


Sea Room is a novel about Maniacs (people who live in Maine to people who live in Massachusetts).  The author is Norman G. Gautreau. I think I liked the characters so much because I have a Mémé and can relate to these descendants of Quebecois.  Also, I learned a lot about people who chose to farm next to the sea and fish.  My son-in-law's family were farmers and lobstermen.  I always thought it strange that one would farm next to the ocean, but Gautreau made it sound preferable. 

I loved the characters: Pip and Zabet (grandparents), Gil and Lydie (parents), and Jordi.  They all lived together in the same house.  That's another reason why I liked them.  I think it's nice that three generations lived together.  

The time is around WWII,which is before my time but not much, so I can relate.  Gil goes to war and is killed.  The family, understandably, has a hard time coping.  Lydie starts to date the town bully.  Zabet prays more rosaries.  Jordi becomes obsessed with building a boat his father said he would build.  Eventually, everyone becomes obsessed with the boat, including neighbors.  

The boat is vandalized.  It does get built, however, regardless of setbacks.  Once in the water, it is threatened with two hurricanes.  Thanks to leaving sea room, the boat and actually all the people in the family survive, too.  It's a nice story.

Sea room is actually the concept of always having an alternative, a plan B, or a way out.

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