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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan is a novel about three generations of women.  I think it's semi-autobiographical because in the dedication, Amy Tan wrote "On the last day that my mother spent on earth, I learned her real name, as well as that of my grandmother. " 

The story begins in the current United States.  The protagonist, Ruth gets her voice back.  She's living with Art and his two daughters.  Every anniversary of their meeting, she loses her voice.  Why?  My guess is it's indicative of her lack of ability to communicate her feelings to Art.  I don't think she's clear on how she feels.  The next section of the book deals with Ruth's grandmother, Precious Auntie.  Precious Auntie's life is pretty sad.  She was beautiful and was sought after by many suitors.  But the one she chose to marry, died and left her pregnant. She was sure her groom's death was orchestrated by Chang, a rejected suitor.

 Precious Auntie was an embarrassment to her family, but they kept her as a servant, particularly as a nursemaid to the daughter she gave birth to, LuLing. Precious Auntie is also an embarrassment because she disfigured herself in a botched suicide attempt.  She can't even talk, so she taught her daughter a type of sign language that only they could communicate in.  

LuLing is headstrong and resents being ordered around by Precious Auntie.  Later she learns that Precious Auntie is her real mother.  In one really poignant scene LuLing tells Precious Auntie that she wishes she were dead and Precious Auntie kills herself. The family disrespects the body of Precious Auntie and does not bury her properly.  Also, they send LuLing to an orphanage.

Fortunately, LuLing blossoms in the orphanage and becomes a teacher there.  Also LuLing's half sister, GaoLing, back homes writes to her  and they become close.  Here we also have backgroud history.  The communists take over the country and everyone has a hard time.  LuLing helps her sister go to America.  Her sister, helps LuLing come to America.

LuLing marries and has Ruth.  Another section of the book goes back to Ruth and her domestic household.  LuLing is elderly now and suffering from dementia.  In caring for her mother she pieces together how the three generations of women, Precious Auntie, LuLing, and Ruth are the products of not communicating true feelings and thoughts.  Ruth seems to have worked through her problems with Art and her mother.  

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