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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Two Hours Sleep

 For some reason I couldn't sleep, last night.  I think I slept for two hours, that's all.  I started to get sleepy around 7 am, which is time to wake up.  I was just thinking of not going to Chapter, today, and stay home and take a nap, instead. Suddenly, I remembered; it's my turn to lead a program.  

What will I do?  I had forgotten all about it.  I can't bring anything to Chapter.  I didn't have time to tell them what to bring.  What to do?

Now I know why I couldn't sleep.  I had a program to put together in 6 hours.  Take out an hour and a half for Mass.  So I had to think of something in 4 hours.

I decided to use Christian Prayer.  They will have those books. In the back is Office of Reading.  I decided to do a group Lectio Divina with a reading from the back of the Office.

I got ready to go to Mass.  I was extremely surprised to see no one there.  My clock said I was an hour and a half an a half early.  I thought of continuing to drive to a different church but I already had a check written our with my parish' name on it.

I went home but in my driveway I couldn't get my key out of the ignition.  I soon realized that the car has to be in " park" !  Then I couldn't get out of my sear--I still had my seatbelt on.

But everything turned out fine.  My group lectio divina was pretty good.  

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