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Thursday, March 17, 2022

You and Your Friends

I confess that this post belongs to my confrere, Mr. Jordi Albert, O.P., but it is true. 

So when we ask ourselves, who is more important, the laity or the consecrated? The answer is in Scripture: the consecrated serve the laity, and help us draw closer to God. But God is expecting the greatest sacrifices and expressions of Love from the Laity, not from the Consecrated.

The Laity has always been the End Game, in both Testaments. What we do in the end is what God is waiting for. We can blame religions, or blame religious leaders, but they are merely buildings, butlers, maids and cooks in the House of God.
God wants US to actually enter into His House.
Us. And what WE do is what reveals the Truth of Our Faith, not what the consecrated do.
The War isn't a distraction from what the Laity was preparing to do in response to the Scandals and COVID, it is part of the challenge.
Wars, Scandals, Inquisitions, Disease, Evil... they aren't about the bishops, rabbis, or pastors and priests. They are about us.
It has always been about us. Not the tears we cry on EWTN or TBN, or the points we post on our religious gameboard as we follow all the rules and never get a red card or a foul, not the trumpets we blow or the sharp dresses we wear on Sunday or Saturday morning.
What matters is what is between you and God, for we alone can stand at the altar of the Temple of the Holy Spirit that is our body. No Pope, no Rabbi, no One, lives inside our Temple but us and God's Glorious Spirit, who enters us like the love of our Mother, like the Shekinah, who overshadowed Mary and the result was God Incarnate.
Only we can be the hands and eyes and ears of God, and greater than any consecrated priest or chief rabbi.
But to sit at the right or left of the Father, to be the greatest, we must become the....

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