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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Types of Prayer

 Today at a Lay Dominican regional meeting, suggestions were given as to inquire whether or not someone would be a good candidate to enter the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.  One of the questions gave me pause: "Is prayer a meaningful part of your devotional life?" I kind of thought this was a silly question.  Don't devotions count as prayer?

The more I thought of it, the more complicated that question became.  Most of the people I know have no devotional life, but they are very prayerful people.  They pray differently.  In fact, they talk to God all day long. Yet, they don't ever pray a rosary and definitely have no desire to learn.  It's not their type of prayer. They never pray chaplets, litanies, or novenas.  However, they go to daily Mass and meditate and do lectio divina.

I'm not going to ask the suggested prayer.  I'm going to use, "What devotion is a meaningful part of your prayer life?"  Don't you think this is a more open-ended question?

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