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Friday, March 25, 2022

Food Production and Hunger

 In reading The Bread for the World Report 2020 I was surprised that the production of food was adequate to feed the world.  The problem of hunger is due to politics, weak governments, and proverty.

Thomas Malthus, more than two centuries ago, wrongly predicted the world would run out of food.  I guess he never envisioned NGOs.  He was wrong.

At this time, food systems around the world cumulatively produce more than enough to feed the current population of7.8 billion, and experts believe that food systems will also be able to produce enough for a projected 10 billion people by2050.  

Whether people in poor countries can afford nutritious food is another matter.  The supplies may be there but can people afford them?  Give people employment so they have the money to buy what is needed.  Employed where?  We may have food but what good is it if those that need it can't afford it?

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