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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

People of the Light

 Around my neck of the woods, the first people to have contact with the Pilgrims who landed in North America were the Wampanoags.  But before we give credit to whom and why, the Indigenous people were infected with yellow fever. Too many to count died.  This devastation was not forgotten hence it took three months of observing the Pilgrims on the coast of Massachusetts Bay in 1620, before the Wampanoags approached them.  The rest is history.

The Wampanoag tribe is alive and well in Mashpee, Massachusetts.  They are going through our court system, trying to get back some of the lands that were taken from them.  Please learn about them and sign their petition and contribute to their cause.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Kyivan Caves Monastery

 This underground monastery is very interesting. Would Putin really bomb it?  Is this why he's pulled back from Kyiv?

Remember the post I wrote about Putin being religious.

The Kyiv Monastery is priceless materially and sacred religiously.  It is unique.  Under the    

Cathedral of the Dormition of Theotokos.  See picture.

Perhaps the monks never-ceasing prayers will have an effect on this war.  This monastery, besides being a museum, is still operating as a monastery.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Solemnity of the Annunciation - Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP

                Father Timothy Radcliffe had cancer and COVID and infections and here he is.  Praise God.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Jesus is NOT an Abstraction

 Jesus often criticized authority, but He never preached overthrowing it.  I think He accepted authority but never thought authority was perfect.  He had opinions and often said out loud what He thought should be corrected.  For certain, Jesus didn't like the hypocritical legalism of the Pharisees.  But He didn't plot to overthrow or undermine them.  He was a loyal, law-abiding, Jew. 

You have to remember that Jesus is in an institutional religion.  He would obey the commandments, beatitudes, spiritual and corporal works of mercy and expects us to try and follow the church's teachings, too.  Remember Jesus didn't come to abolish religion, He came to fulfill it.  Following religion is following Jesus. He is not just a feel-good spiritual warmth. He is real.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Food Production and Hunger

 In reading The Bread for the World Report 2020 I was surprised that the production of food was adequate to feed the world.  The problem of hunger is due to politics, weak governments, and proverty.

Thomas Malthus, more than two centuries ago, wrongly predicted the world would run out of food.  I guess he never envisioned NGOs.  He was wrong.

At this time, food systems around the world cumulatively produce more than enough to feed the current population of7.8 billion, and experts believe that food systems will also be able to produce enough for a projected 10 billion people by2050.  

Whether people in poor countries can afford nutritious food is another matter.  The supplies may be there but can people afford them?  Give people employment so they have the money to buy what is needed.  Employed where?  We may have food but what good is it if those that need it can't afford it?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Julian v. Gregorian

 Julius Caesar had a calendar made called the Julian Calendar.  It followed the solar year, even including a leap year.  This calendar was changed by Pope GregoryVIII in 1562.

This calendar started the New Year on January 1, whereas the Julian Calendar started the New Year on March 25.  Since the angel Gabriel announced the birth of Christ on March 25, it was very fitting for the pope to give the old new year-date, the date of Jesus' Annunciation.  

Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine on March 25, let us pray that this date will be a new beginning, announcing PEACE and GOODWILL towards all.


Picasso painted this picture demonstrating the horrors of bombing.  Today, the Russians are bombing Ukraine, and Guernica is personified.

Franco and Hitler were in cahoots and the Nazis were allowed to bomb the Basque town of Guernica.  For three hours bombs fell on the town.  Everything was leveled except a weapon manufacturing plant.  How ironic is that?


A Ukrainian Prayer, John Rutter

This is a response to violence, to war, to evil, and to death.  Art answers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

More Than Your Best

 Waiting for the Moon is a novel by Kristin Hannah.  It kept me guessing.  The story begins with a woman attempting suicide by jumping off a cliff.  She fails and a fisherman brings her to the closest house which happens to be owned by a doctor.

The doctor has his own story. He was once a successful surgeon but he was also quite the amorous Romeo.  Eventually, he was shot by a jealous husband.  Interestingly, the tragic event left him with a bizarre "gift" or "curse."  Whenever he touched human flesh he felt their emotional pain somehow.  It was quite debilitating.  He left his medical practice and went to his parental home.  His father died when he was a child and his mother was mentally ill.  He went home to her thinking that they made quite the pair-- two damaged people.  To keep his mother company he opened their home to some other mentally ill people.

When the lady who attempted to commit suicide is brought to Dr. Carrick, he was surprised that when he touched her, he didn't get that shock of psychic insight of emotional trauma, he usually felt upon touching people.  He actually thought and planned to cure her and use her to demonstrate his method of treating head injuries.  These plans came and went as Selena, that's the name he gave her, got better, or not.

She did get better but she had amnesia.  She didn't remember her past.  She was healed by not only Dr. Carrick's medical expertise but by the inmates of the house.  It was actually a mental asylum.  The participants were kind and helpful people.  They made me laugh.  Sometimes the mentally ill have uncanny insight and express honest opinions that are needed.  This house of misfits became a family.  Selena, since she had no background damage that she remembered, created a new life for herself that resulted in her being a good, kind, happy, compassionate, optimistic, human being.  Her attitude affected everyone in the house, including Dr. Carrick.  Not to mention that the two of them, fell in love.  

Dr. Carrick and Selena were planning their wedding when Selena's husband showed up.

This was devastating.  Her husband was hideously, physically scarred.  He also was old enough to be her father.  But he carried their wedding picture as proof.  It turned out that he married Selena when she was twelve years old to save her from living in the streets.  They lived in a Shaker Village. This meant that their life was celibate because men and women live separately.

Selena hated it.  That's why she ran away and tried to commit suicide.  But she felt duty-bound to go back to the Shakers to obey her lawful husband, no matter how much she loved Dr. Carrick.

That would have been the end of the story except an accident happened.  Selena's husband was accidentally shot.  The doctor the Shakers used said he was dying.  Selena brought him to Dr. Carrick.

Dr. Carrick wrestled with his conscience.  If Selena's husband died, then she'd be free to marry.  But he was trying to be a good doctor, for Selena.  The husband lived.  As he recuperated he became very aware that his wife, Selena, love Dr. Carrick, and he loved her.  It tore him apart.  But something new is introduced in the love triangle.  Dr. Carrick's mother tends Selena's husband.  He responds and sees that this house is a family that Selena needs to be happy.  He needs it too.

God asks a lot out of these three characters.  Dr. Carrick healed the husband, even though if he died, Selena could marry again.  Selena could. have left her husband die so she would be rid of him, but she did everything he could to save him.  The husband, himself, gave his wife to Dr. Carrick, knowing that Selena and Dr. Carrick loved each other.  Each of these three went over and above the best that they thought they could ever be.  

And don't you hope God never asks you to do something as soul-wrenching as the characters are asked to do, in Waiting for the Moon?

Monday, March 21, 2022

Welcome Stranger

 The Road to Emmaus story led me to think about encounters.  Luke 24: 13-35  The couple on the road had to be open to the stranger that joined them and their interesting conversation.  Did you ever think of that?  If they shut up and looked at the stranger who joined up with them with askance, that would be a shame.  They never would have encountered Jesus.  You never know what event or what person will open you up to a divine revelation.  

Sunday, March 20, 2022

White Man's Foot

This picture is a weed.  By that, I mean that it is so prevalent everywhere that people consider it an unwanted weed.  It has other names besides weed, devil's shoestring, hen plant, waybread, ribwort, Plantago major, Englishman's foot, white man's foot, etc. 

Originally, the weed did not grow in the Americas.  It came with the colonists.  Imagine it growing wherever the colonists lived.  Hence, it was thought of as a kind of white man's footprint.

Like many weeds, this ground-hugging, broadleaf plant has many benefits.  It contains plant compounds that may reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and promote wound healing.

Plantain Tea

Pick some leaves that you are sure do not have pesticides on them.
Wash them.
Place them in a mug.
Pour boiling water over the leaves to the top of the mug.
Let the leaves infuse for 10 minutes.
Sweeten to taste with honey.

Duality of Things

 I thought that it was some sort of law of physics or something, that everything had an opposite.  There are yin/yang, day/night, hot/cold/ etc.  I even thought the opposite of God was Satan.  But thinking deeper, God is supreme and Satan is not equal to God.  So that breaks the duality model.  There are other things that stand-alone, also: oxygen, gravity, your heart, your soul, your mind, etc.

At seventy-five years old, I finally learn that there are absolutes.  Live and learn and I guess old dogs do learn new tricks.  Knowlege/Ignorance.  

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Honorable Harvest

 Another gem from Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The way to harvest, the way to garden, the way to reap, is with respect.  Understand the plant.  Don't desecrate it by harming new growth.  Help vegetation grow.  Don't take more than you need.  Here are a few common-sense rules:

Never take the last.

Never take more than you need.

Don't do any harm.

Don't waste.


Give thanks.

Sustain what sustains you.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Hide n' Seek


"The Forest of Vanishing Stars" by Kristin Harmel is for historical fiction lovers of WWII novels. It is a story of people, mostly Jews hiding and surviving in the woods. It was inspired by a true story of a community of over a thousand Jews hiding in the forests of Poland.
In this story, our protagonist was stolen as an infant by a mystic who lived in the woods. Her name is Yona. She learns how to live in the forest and later on uses those skills to help others.
It is an easy read and enjoyable.

Novena for Ukraine and Russia


You and Your Friends

I confess that this post belongs to my confrere, Mr. Jordi Albert, O.P., but it is true. 

So when we ask ourselves, who is more important, the laity or the consecrated? The answer is in Scripture: the consecrated serve the laity, and help us draw closer to God. But God is expecting the greatest sacrifices and expressions of Love from the Laity, not from the Consecrated.

The Laity has always been the End Game, in both Testaments. What we do in the end is what God is waiting for. We can blame religions, or blame religious leaders, but they are merely buildings, butlers, maids and cooks in the House of God.
God wants US to actually enter into His House.
Us. And what WE do is what reveals the Truth of Our Faith, not what the consecrated do.
The War isn't a distraction from what the Laity was preparing to do in response to the Scandals and COVID, it is part of the challenge.
Wars, Scandals, Inquisitions, Disease, Evil... they aren't about the bishops, rabbis, or pastors and priests. They are about us.
It has always been about us. Not the tears we cry on EWTN or TBN, or the points we post on our religious gameboard as we follow all the rules and never get a red card or a foul, not the trumpets we blow or the sharp dresses we wear on Sunday or Saturday morning.
What matters is what is between you and God, for we alone can stand at the altar of the Temple of the Holy Spirit that is our body. No Pope, no Rabbi, no One, lives inside our Temple but us and God's Glorious Spirit, who enters us like the love of our Mother, like the Shekinah, who overshadowed Mary and the result was God Incarnate.
Only we can be the hands and eyes and ears of God, and greater than any consecrated priest or chief rabbi.
But to sit at the right or left of the Father, to be the greatest, we must become the....

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Better Futures

 As Christians, we believe that it is never too late to change the course of one's life.  That's the first reason why I do prison ministry. Regardless of our past failings, it is never too late to change, again and again.  We always hope.  That's the Christian thing to do--hope. God promises us it will get better.

Taking Communion from the Tabernacle

 Did you know that taking Communion from the Tabernacle is a problem? It distinguishes a break between the Mass celebrant and the people.  The congregation and the celebrant are offering the Communion TOGETHER.  There usually is enough consecrated bread for all, so there isn't usually a problem.  Occasionally, the Tabernacle has to be opened for extra Communion.  This was prescribed by Vatican II and the General Instruction on the Roman Missal.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Church Community for Senior Citizens

 Another guest post by Rhonda Underhill. This time she's writing about my friends and me.

Photo via Pexels


The Benefits Of Attending Church For Seniors


For many seniors, retirement comes with lots of perks: spending time with the grandkids, getting to travel or try new things, and resting after years of hard work are just a few. But for others, retirement means isolation from friends and family, depression, and even substance abuse as they try to make sense of a major life change. It can be difficult to make that transition, and the emotions this time brings can be painful and confusing.


One of the best ways a senior can ease this transition is to attend church. Being part of a supportive group, having something to look forward to, and having a way to structure each day can help boost your confidence and teach you how to focus. Being mindful is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety and learn how to get through just about any rough moment. It can be difficult to make ourselves focus on the here and now, especially if we’re going through a life-changing transition. But taking even a few minutes a day to be mindful of all we have in the present moment - and especially all we have to be grateful for - can help us feel more at peace with ourselves, our surroundings, and our circumstances.


Here are a few of the benefits of attending church when you’re a senior, brought to you by The One True Faith.


Get Social


Going to church regularly can help you socialize, an important part of any senior’s life. Making new friends and having social connections can help boost your self-esteem and will keep you active, which can combat depression, stress, and loneliness. It can also help you find a new hobby or allow you to get creative, since many churches have groups where members get together to take an art class or create something together, such as a quilt. These activities are also essential for any senior who is in recovery and can even help with memory function.


Find Support


Many seniors are dealing with a loss of some kind, whether it’s the loss of a longtime partner or the loss of a job they’ve held for years. It can be difficult to manage the feelings that come with those losses, but going to church can offer support from others who have gone through something similar. Having people around you who understand how you feel and who will be there to help support and guide you through the hard times can be a huge benefit.


Get Help When You Need It


Being a member of a church can provide many benefits, including having someone to call should you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment or to come and help you clean up your home should you become ill or have mobility issues. The congregation might even help you out with financial troubles by taking up a donation or providing meals. For seniors who live alone, this can be a big help and can allow more freedom.


Stay Active


Attending church can help you stay active in many different ways, from offering a place to exercise to helping you find a group or club that includes activity of some form. Gardening clubs, walking groups, and dance classes are great examples of the activities many churches offer, and they’re good ways to meet new people as well. If such activities aren't available, you can (and should) still prioritize staying active to better your health and make friends. If you're a subscriber of Medicare Advantage or Medigap, you may have the SilverSneakers benefit. This is a program that focuses on fitness by granting access to exercise facilities and social events.


Attending church can help you feel better about yourself, give you something to look forward to every day, and even keep you healthy.


The One True Faith offers poetry, prayers, and a daily journal on the subject of faith. If you have any questions, please email

Friday, March 11, 2022

The Ultimate Injustice

 People are able to forgive just about anything except a personal injustice done to them.  That hurts!  But I know how to get over that feeling.  Stand in front of the crucified Jesus.

What do you see?  The Son of God, suffering, and here's the point; He is perfectly innocent.  He was set up.  This is the ultimate injustice.  Meditate on this and your personal hurt won't seem the same, anymore.  

The Point of the Homily

 Do you know what the General Instruction on the Roman Missal says about what a homily should be?

The purpose should be to connect what was proclaimed with the sacramental action that follows applied to daily life.  This means that there is an intimate connection between the Scripture Reading and daily life and the celebration of Mass.  IOW, it's all interrelated.

So if I wanted to talk about one of the stained glass windows in the church, I should relate it to the Gospel Reading and the Eucharist.  I get it.

But how to tie the Gospel, the Eucharist, and the war going on in Ukraine?  Pray for divine inspiration.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

War Ruins Everything

My Spanish/American friend recommended that I should read The Return by Victoria Hislop.  Then I would understand the fight between Franco and the Nationalist and how important dance was  to the. Spanish.  
     It is an interesting story.  The Ramirez family anchors the story.  It begins with Sonia and Maggie taking dancing lessons.  They love it, so much so they go away for a weekend of concentrated dance lesons.  They enjoy it immensely, so much so that Maggie goes back to live there permantly.  Sonia wishes she could.
    Sonia, whose mother was a Spanish flamingo dancer, enjoys the company of Miguel, a cafe owner.Sonia returns to Spain to get the rest of Miguel's story. Miguel is the narrator of the novel.  He explains the warring parties.  BTW, the Catholic Church is the bad guy. When everything is tied together, Sonia can see how families survive and that God walks straight with crooked lines.
    This novel covers a lot.  There's a lot to understand and feel, but Victoria Hislop managed to weave history and romance in The Return.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

3/9/22 Parish Mission on Faith with Mrs. Lauren Onak, O.P. , 7:00 PM, G...

Lay Dominicans giving a Lenten Mission.

Earth Prayer to God

Here's an adaptation of Anima Christi:

Anima Christi

Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within your wounds conceal me.
Do not permit me to be parted from you.
From the evil foe protect me.
At the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come to you,
to praise you with all your saints
for ever and ever. 


Soul of Earth, sanctify me.

Body of Earth, save me.

Blood of Earth, fill me with love.

Water from Earth's side, wash me.

Passion of Earth, strengthen me.

Resurrection of Earth, empower me.

Good Earth, hear me,

Within your wounds, hide me.

Never let me be separated from you.

From the power of evil, protect me.

At the hour of my death, call me

That with your living ones I may thank you

For all eternity.  Amen.

Adapted by Jane Pellowski from Anima Christi

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 My grandchildren and I made bracelets using the colors of the Ukrainian flag, teal, and yellow.  We want to show our support of Ukrainian people. 

Three Sisters Stew


The three are corn, beans, and squash.  The Native Americans taught us to plant the three sisters together.  They help each other like we people should do. The corn is a straight stalk.  The bean vine will wrap around the corn stalk.  This makes the corn stronger and the beans have support to grow upon.  The squash with its broad leaves covers the ground and hampers the weeds.  

This recipe uses corn, beans, and squash, plus carrots and spices.  It is vegetarian and delicious.

The Three Sisters: 

A Stew of Beans, Corn, and Squash By Chef Traci Barr, JustFaith Grad, and Facilitator.
Of all the recipes, why does this humble one matter to me so much? Because it metaphorically represents the most important aspect of what I’ve learned during my JustFaith experience. First recognized by the inherent wisdom of indigenous North Americans, the Three Sisters is a quintessential example of “companion planting”—a perfect agricultural (and nutritional!) synergy. Considered sacred, this symbiotic technique is even represented on the reverse side of the very first Native American U.S. dollar coin.

 As the Three Sisters story goes, beans are planted right next to corn, whose tall stalks create a natural “trellis” for their upward-climbing vines. In return, the bean plants capture nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil through their roots, replacing what the corn plants naturally take from the Earth. With their large, prickly, and low-to-the-ground leaves, squashes make for edible ground cover, keeping away weeds and insects—and also providing shade for the roots of the corn and beans. Even tenacious critters like hungry raccoons stay away from the vexing leaves of a squash plant. In turn, the corn grows taller, which helps the bean plants produce an even greater yield. And, of course, more people eventually get fed at the dinner table—the best possible outcome. But … the real lesson? We are all connected. Even when we are as “different” from each other as are corn, beans, and squash. We can do so much more when we work together. Our lives are enriched when we intentionally engage with—or purposefully plant ourselves next to— people who experience the world in an entirely different way. There is no “us” or “them”—unless we choose to label and think of ourselves as so. In this context, the whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts.

Just like a really good stew! The Three Sisters Stew

2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 medium onions,
diced 2 large carrots,
diced 2 large celery stalks,
diced 2 bay leaves
4 large garlic cloves,
minced 2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary
1 large butternut squash, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
4 cups cooked pinto beans (canned, drained, rinsed beans are fine)
1 quart vegetable stock (you might not need it all)
 2 cups corn kernels (freshly cut from the cob is best, but frozen is fine, too)
½ cup rough chopped parsley, if desired, to garnish 

Heat extra virgin olive oil in a large Dutch-oven style pot. Add diced onions, carrots and celery. Sauté over medium-high heat until vegetables have started to get tender and turn golden, about 10 minutes. Add bay leaves, minced garlic, kosher salt, black pepper and minced rosemary. Sauté until garlic is very fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add butternut squash chunks, pinto beans, and half the vegetable stock to the pot. Stir everything together. Add more stock at this point if you think it’s necessary — but remember that the squash will release a bit of liquid as it cooks. Reduce heat and simmer until the squash is tender, about 12 to 15 minutes (longer if chunks are bigger).Add stock if necessary, to maintain stew-like consistency. Add corn to pot and cook for 2 minutes. Turn off heat and remove bay leaves. Season with additional kosher salt and black pepper, if desired. Garnish with chopped parsley.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Passivity is Immoral

I struggle with pacifism.  It sounds nice.  I wish everyone were a pacifist.  But they're not.  Get real. 

Currently, Russia has invaded Ukraine.  If the Ukrainians did not defend themselves, they would be worse off than they were.  The world would be worse off.  Actually, it isn't "war" here; it's Putin.  He is not conducting a military operation--that's a lie.  It is an unjust act of aggression.  How do you define war?  

Ukrainians are forced to take up weapons.  What would happen if they didn't?  Innocents would be harmed.  Defending your family and other innocents is not unacceptable, in fact, people have a moral duty to stop the violence being perpetrated upon innocents. Yes, that is an acceptable force; it is not an immoral force.  One has the responsibility to protect, doing nothing is immoral. This is Veritas!

Deterrence has become one of the necessary instruments of peace. 

In this case, Putin has invaded Ukraine, which posed no immediate danger to Russia.  And with the location of nuclear facilities, Putin is threatening catastrophe.  He must be stopped.

Evil is and has always been in the world. I pray that Ukrainian defense measures will limit the evil that is spreading. 

Meister Eckhart


I had no idea that Meister Eckhart was an environmentalist.

Apprehend God in all things,
for God is in all things.

Every single creature is full of God
and is a book about God.

Every creature is a word of God.

If I spent enough time with the tiniest creature--
even a caterpillar---

I would never have to prepare a sermon.
So full of God is every creature.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Pucks Not Bullets

I'm sorry I can't find the source to give credit for this picture.  I found it on Facebook.  Sin ce my family is so hockey crazy, I thought it appropriate during the Putin invasion of Ukraine.  

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Types of Prayer

 Today at a Lay Dominican regional meeting, suggestions were given as to inquire whether or not someone would be a good candidate to enter the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.  One of the questions gave me pause: "Is prayer a meaningful part of your devotional life?" I kind of thought this was a silly question.  Don't devotions count as prayer?

The more I thought of it, the more complicated that question became.  Most of the people I know have no devotional life, but they are very prayerful people.  They pray differently.  In fact, they talk to God all day long. Yet, they don't ever pray a rosary and definitely have no desire to learn.  It's not their type of prayer. They never pray chaplets, litanies, or novenas.  However, they go to daily Mass and meditate and do lectio divina.

I'm not going to ask the suggested prayer.  I'm going to use, "What devotion is a meaningful part of your prayer life?"  Don't you think this is a more open-ended question?

Friday, March 4, 2022

Skunk Cabbage

 On my next hike, I'll post some pictures of skunk cabbage.  Obviously, these plants are called "skunk" because they don't smell good.  But when you see them, appreciate that they are harbingers of spring coming soon.  Skunk cabbage does a good job of warming up the earth.  Since skunk cabbage grows in wetland, that's where you'll see plant life first.  Among the clusters of skunk cabbage look for flowers.  The flowers will bring the pollinators.  And so forth...

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Greek to Me

 Alex Michaelides' "The Maidens" is a gothic mystery. Mariana is the detective type trying to solve "who done it." She's a group therapist who was recently widowed. Her niece, whom she helped bring up when her sister died, had a friend who was murdered. More girls are murdered. The setting is the college where her niece attended. The red herring is a Greek tragedy professor. It's his "groupies" that are nicknamed "The Maidens" that are being murdered.

Mariana is annoying because she always chooses the wrong thing to do. What bothered me the most was the author's method of writing inner dialogue. I'm not even sure these inner thoughts were the murderer's. A chapter would be written in bold print; that's how the reader would know that they were reading "inner thoughts." But whose?

I still don't know.

The Sound of Silence



We have no words to describe the silent movement beneath the earth that causes a mushroom to appear in the morning.  Last night, it wasn’t there.  This morning, here is a creamy white umbrella? Alien space ship? Group of fairies?

There is no word in English to describe this creation of vegetation.  English, with all its nouns lacks the descriptive power to name the action of a mushroom appearing.  It’s a force which causes mushrooms to appear overnight.  Not even in science, botany, etc. is there a term, vocabulary, noun, or action verb to describe this mystery.  Scientific language defines many terms, but this particular action is beyond its grasp. 

Only in Native American is there a word.  Leave it to Native Americans, who lived so close  nature to hear that sound of a mushroom being created under the earth.  The word is “Puhpowee.”  It means “rising,” “emerging,” responding to the spirit.

I learned this word from the book, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.  She is a Native American who is a botanist, scientist and professor.  This is a book of short stories about nature that she has learned from her elders. She writes beautifully.  I am enjoying her mystical history of nature.  She writes like a poet with metaphors of images of cedar trees, wild strawberries, maple syrup, and the fragrance of sweetgrass.  These images are staying with me as I read and I hope will be a permanent picture in my mind, for a long time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

2022 King Cake

 Last year, I made an authentic King Cake.  It was too much work, looked like hell, and no one liked the taste.  This year I was going to purchase a store-bought one but couldn't find one.  The closest I could find was an all-white cake.  The deal maker was the price, $ 6.45.  It would cost me more to make a real one.  So I bought the all-white cake and added the Mardi Gras colors, and put the King Baby Jesus in the middle.  Happy Mardi Gras!


 When a loved one dies, many people, not just family, grieves.  The family is in shock and really doesn't realize that many people are a...