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Friday, May 31, 2019


Thinking Face on Google Android 9.0

Who can tell me what this word means?    thaumaturgist

Novena to Pentecost

FOREWORD The novena in honor of the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian

 ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT To be recited daily during the Novena On my knees I before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness of Your justice, and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light, and listen to Your voice, and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You, by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds, and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart, I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, "Speak Lord for Your servant heareth." Amen.

PRAYER FOR THE SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT To be recited daily during the Novena O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul, the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal, the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit on Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, and the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord with the sign of Your true disciples, and animate me in all things with Your Spirit. Amen.

 The Novena begins on the day after the Solemnity of the Ascension, Friday of the 6th Week of Easter, even if the Solemnity of the Ascension is transferred to the 7th Sunday. FIRST DAY (Friday after Ascension or Friday of 6th Week of Easter) Holy Spirit! Lord of Light! From Your clear celestial height, Your pure beaming radiance give! The Holy Spirit Only one thing is important -- eternal salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared--sin? Sin is the result of ignorance, weakness, and indifference The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Light, of Strength, and of Love. With His sevenfold gifts He enlightens the mind, strengthens the will, and inflames the heart with love of God. To ensure our salvation we ought to invoke the Divine Spirit daily, for "The Spirit helpeth our infirmity. We know not what we should pray for as we ought. But the Spirit Himself asketh for us." Prayer Almighty and eternal God, Who hast vouchsafed to regenerate us by water and the Holy Spirit, and hast given us forgiveness all sins, vouchsafe to send forth from heaven upon us your sevenfold Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of Knowledge and Piety, and fill us with the Spirit of Holy Fear. Amen. - Our Father and Hail Mary ONCE. Glory be to the Father SEVEN TIMES. - Act of Consecration, Prayer for the Seven Gifts

Thursday, May 30, 2019

How to Have a Happy Life

Today my "cloistered brothers" were reading Genesis 12: 10-21.  This is the story where Abram tells Pharoah that the beautiful woman he's with is his sister because he was afraid he'd be killed and his wife taken.
The discussion revolved around the trouble that beautiful women bring.  Someone started singing this song.

If You Wanna Be Happy
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Get an ugly girl to marry you
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he marries her then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart
But if you make an ugly woman your wife
you'll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
And she'll always give you peace of mind
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
Sax solo
Don't let your friends say you have no taste
Go ahead and marry anyway
Though her face is ugly, her eyes don't match
Take it from me, she's a better catch
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
Say man!
Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day!
Yeah, an' she's ug-leeee!
Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright!
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
If You Wanna Be Happy lyrics © Rockmasters International Network, Rockmasters Int. Network, Rockmasters International Network Inc.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Strange Day

This morning I was sleepwalking.  Whenever I have to wake up early, I don't sleep well.  I guess I'm afraid I won't wake up in time. 

First, I arrived at 7:00 for Mass because I was the lector.  In looking over the announcements I saw that I wasn't the lector. But I was sure I was.  I looked again.  I was the lector, but not the 7:00 Mass.  I was scheduled for 10:30.  But the 7:00 needed a lector so I stayed and read.

After Mass, I went to breakfast with friends.  Halfway through the meal, I noticed I was drinking the wrong coffee! 

I made it back to the church in time for the 10:30 Mass.  So two Masses in one day!!!

After Mass, a friend asked me to go on a hike with her.  We made arrangements to meet.

It was a nice walk in Wollomonopoag Conservation Area if you could ignore the mosquitoes.  They were terrible! But this woods is one of my favorite hikes because they contain a blue heron rookery.

We had strange company. As we started two dogs started walking with us.  I looked around and the few cars that were in the parking lot were empty, except one. The dogs must have belonged to that man talking on his cellphone. We thought nothing of it.  The dogs walked with us.  I expected they would soon turn around, but they didn't.  I listened for a whistle or something for the dogs to be called back to their master.  But there was nothing. The dogs stayed with us until we turned around.  One of them disappeared. 

We walked around the pond and the dog kept going in the water to cool off and drink.  He didn't seem disturbed that his friend was gone.  Walking back I started to get worried.  What would we do with this dog?  What if his owner was waiting for him and angry?  Why did we steal his dog?  What did we do with the other dog? What if no one was waiting for the dog? 

We decided to call the police.  The animal control probably wasn't opened. Anyway, as we approached the parking lot, the dog started to run and ran way ahead of us.  When we reached our car, he was gone.

He must live around there.  What a strange day!

Thursday, May 23, 2019


The nicknames my "cloistered brothers" give each other are interesting. There's Preacher, A-Rod, Black Cat, etc..  Today, they started calling one of them, "Shalom."  The reason is interesting.

Shalom likes to attend meetings with the Messianic Jews.  He likes the people and their discussions.  The Catholic inmates, especially my "cloistered brothers" give him a hard time about it. Well on Good Friday the Catholics only have a service, not Mass, and the service is not a holy day of obligation. The Messianic Jews have a seder.  The seder requires different food than prison inmates usually eat.  That's a big attraction.  Suddenly, many inmates are Jews.  They are getting something different to eat.  That's how my "cloistered brother" got the nickname Shalom.

Shalom is better than being called Judas.  Shalom means peace and Judas was the apostle who betrayed Jesus.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Guilty or Not Game

In three weeks Cardinal Pell will be in court, again.  I'm praying for a more favorable outcome.  It's beyond my wildest imagination how any reasonable person could think him guilty.  But they did.  And I still think the accusations stem from Pell's getting too close to cleaning out the Vatican finance mess.  Those with dirty hands just had to whisper, "Pell's a sexual abuser" to authorities, and in today's climate, Pell was removed from his position working on the Vatican finances and kept busy defending himself, very busy. 

May the truth prevail.  Click on this link to read more.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Killer Collective

The Killer Collective by Barry Eisler is a thriller.  Livia is the principal character.  She's a detective for the Seattle police force, specifically sex crimes division.  There are hints that she takes vengeance upon the perpetrators of sex crimes because of her past, but her background is never revealed. 
    The plot begins just when she finds a connection to high up federal agencies involved in sex crimes.  Her partner is blown up and she is almost killed.  She seeks help from Dox, who has been waiting in the wings for her.  Dox assembles others to help since the investigation leads to international child pornography. 
     The action is heart thumping.  The dialogue is snappy.  The plot is believable.  And it ends satisfactorily.  The vile are eliminated.  But that's the end of my spoilers.  Good Book.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Christus Vivit

My "cloistered brothers" discussed Christus Vivit, today.  This is an apostolic exhortation for youth and others who are interested.  The group had a couple of men who were in their 20's, a couple in their 60's, and the rest in-between.  They were interested in the document, pointing out that the exhortation did not only mean "youth" in age but also "youth" in faith.  Many of them were not life- time Catholics, or lifetime faithful Catholics so they felt that they qualified as "Catholic youth."

The message was that God is always there.  He will wait for you. Many can attest to that.  The idea of "doubt" took up most of the conversation.  And most felt "doubt" a good attribute.  Some even claimed that God would look with favor on people who doubted.  Paragraph 7 states With Gideon we have the question, " But if the Lord is with us, why then have all these things happened to us?" (Jg 6: 13).  And God was not offended by this question. In fact, he ordered Gideon, "Go in this might of yours and deliver Israel!" (Jg 6:14).

God understands doubt and doubt leads to question.  But think about it.  We wouldn't question if we didn't believe in God.

Another good point was our diversity, not only in age but background.  We don't think alike.  This is a strength, in our Lay Dominican Chapter.  Other chapters probably all are strict conservatives.  But we dialogue our differences and learn more, especially with those of other religions who like to attend our study groups.  What's there to learn, if everyone thinks like you?

Discussing Christus Vivit was a good exercise for us.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Groundhog and The Quahog

The Story Behind Quahog Day

You know that groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, who predicts when spring will come.  BTW, he was wrong this year. Well, he has a rival weather predicter--Doug the Quahog. Doug, every first day of summer, will tell his human interpreter, the pirate Johnny Quahog, how many beach days Cape Cod will have. 

It's summer fun.  Like Punxsutawney Phil has his top hat accomplices, Doug the Quahog has a group of black-suited men and women with clam rakes.  That's Doug the Quahog's security team. Check out this link to find out the location where Doug the Quahog will predict the number of beach days on the Cape.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Maurin and Isidore

Today is the feast of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers.

Lord God,
all creation is yours, and you call us to serve you
by caring for the gifts that surround us.
May the example of Saint Isidore urge us
to share our food with the hungry
and to work for the salvation of mankind.

So I'm wondering if it's such a coincidence that I should be reading about Peter Maurin, this morning.  May God bless him especially on this memorial day of St. Isidore.  Peter Maurin didn't agree with our American outlook of rugged individualism.  As a Catholic, he was communal.  He even went further and adopted "personalism".  This is a philosophy that emphasizes the dignity and free will in each of us.  Each and everyone must take a personal responsibility to help the other.

Peter Maurin is known for setting up farming communes.  There are still some around.  Click on this link to learn about Maurin and his farming legacy. Don't confuse this poor saint with Isidore of Seville.  Isidore the farmer was born and died poor.  Not so the bishop of Seville.  Isidore the farmer is the patron of the United States National Rural Life Conference.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Chicago archbishop apologizes for Farrakhan visit to Catholic Church

Chicago archbishop apologizes for Farrakhan visit to Catholic Church: WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The archbishop of Chicago apologized to the local Jewish community after a priest in the city invited the leader of the Nation of Islam to speak at his church, days after he was banned from Facebook.
 (CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Chicago Catholic/Rebecca Cook, Reuters)

You have to read the entire article to read what was said.  Click on the link.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


St. Mary's Book Club's book for this month is Eleanor A Spiritual Biography The Faith of the 20th Century's Most Influential Woman, by Harold Ivan Smith.  I had difficulty in procuring this book through the Minuteman Library System.  There was one book circulating but I did sign up.  The Sails Library System had none.  Amazon wanted $ 17.00 and the Kindle version is $ 16.00. But what if I don't like it.  I've wasted $ 17-16! 

I decided I wasn't going to bother.  When the book club discussion came around, I was going to offer the suggestion that we check the availability of our book suggestions.

Then I got an email saying the library had my book!

It is a noteworthy book.  Well written, well researched and easy to read.  Eleanor was a Christian woman and followed Christ throughout her life.  She had a miserable childhood.  But she was introduced to Jesus and was shaped by His teachings.   Even when she married, her mother-in-law could and sometimes did, make life uncomfortable but she trusted that God had a plan and she trusted Him.  Then when Franklin became president she blossomed.

She became his legs and muse.  She wrote a syndicated newspaper column and magazine articles.  After being First Lady she became our ambassador to the United Nations. Many criticized but she rose above the fray. 

She was her own person, a child of God.  Thanks be to God.

Monday, May 6, 2019

An Age of Adversarial Journalism: To Reach the Truth, You Need to Hear Both Sides

An Age of Adversarial Journalism: To Reach the Truth, You Need to Hear Both Sides: The adversarial system of litigation—in which attorneys with opposed interests present their respective cases to a jury—is now the best paradigm through which to understand modern-day journalism. We must assume the role of jurors, making sure to hear from all sides before reaching our verdict.

I've been preaching this for years!  It drives me crazy to listen to my friend who only listens to FOX news.  Likewise listening to my nephew who only listens to CNN.  I get so sick of listening to bias American media that I switch channels and watch Aljazeera news, BBC, and or the SINO news from China.

My mother used to say "Only trust half of what you see, and none of what
Garden of Poison in Blarney Castle.
you hear." 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The states of New York and Virginia have passed laws allowing babies to be murdered at 9 months in the womb, and possibly immediately after birth.  Now, these laws are coming to Massachusetts.  These are babies

House Bill 3320
     is "An Act removing obstacles and expanding access to women's reproductive health."

Senate Bill 1209
     is "An Act to remove obstacles and expand abortion access."  Current law would be dramatically changed by:
          (1) Expanding abortion access, including late-term abortions, during the nine months of
                pregnancy for virtually any reason.
          (2) Eliminating requirements that late-term abortions be performed in a hospital.
          (3) Eliminating the requirement that provides medical care to a child who survives an abortion
          (4)  Eliminating the requirement that a minor under the age of 18 have the consent of a parent,
                guardian, or the courts.
          (5) Expanding state funding for women who cannot afford the procedure.

What to do?

Contact your legislators, let them know you vote and you want them to say NO on Abortion Expansion.  Find your representatives at   Look for state senator and representative.  Members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary who will consider House Bill 3320.  Members of the Joint Committee on Public Health who will consider Senate Bill 1209.

Tell them that you want them to carefully consider the consequences that these bills would bring to the lives of babies, parents, families, and the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Urge them to oppose these extreme Acts.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Farrelly versus Yeats

William Butler Yeats wrote this poem when struck with homesickness.  It is actually one of the three poems featured on the Irish passport. 

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

 Dick Farrelly wrote this also being homesick, in 1953. Farrelly's is about ALL of Ireland, not just the isle.

Isle of Innisfree

Author: words & music by Dick Farrelly 
Copyright: Peter Maurice Music/EMI Music
Dick Farrelly
These are the correct words given to me by Dick Farrelly's son Gerard

I've met some folks who say that I'm a dreamer
And I've no doubt there's truth in what they say
But sure a body's bound to be a dreamer
When all the things he loves are far away.
And precious things are dreams onto an exile
They take him o'er the land across the sea
Especially when it happens he's an exile
From that dear lovely Isle of Innisfree.

And when the moonlight peeps across the rooftops
Of this great city wondrous tho' it be
I scarcely feel its wonder or its laughter
I'm once again back home in Innisfree.

I wander o'er green hills thro' dreamy valleys
And find a peace no other land could know
I hear the birds make music fit for angels
And watch the rivers laughing as they flow.
And then into a humble shack I wander
My dear old home, and tenderly behold
The folks I love around the turf fire gathered
On bended knees their rosary is told.

But dreams don't last
Tho' dreams are not forgotten
And soon I'm back to stern reality
But tho' they paved the footways here with gold dust
I still would choose the Isle of Innisfree.

Theme of the film "The Quiet Man"

Friday, May 3, 2019

Silent No Longer/Say Cheese

       G. K. Chesterton has said, “Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”

Silent No Longer/ Say Cheese

Food of substance, O cheese!
Your soft feel on my tongue,
Sharp/ mild, variety to please.

Extra aging gives Limburger aroma!
Not so, ricotta, cottage and mozzarella,
Gouda, feta, American, and gorganzola.

Crackers and beer pair with cheddar.
Cabernet Sauvignon will stain your sweater,
so pinot noir and brie would be better.

Swiss or French or Italian?
Cow or goat or reindeer,
Or any mammal rapscallion?

Nutritious, good, and healthy. 
Source of protein and calcium,
Taste delicious in your belly.

So here, O Prince of Paradox!
A poetic attempt with poor rhyme, 

no meter, no metaphor.
And most certainly, not orthodox!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Approaching the Throne

Lectio:                                                                                               REV 5:11-14

I, John, looked and heard the voices of many angels
who surrounded the throne
and the living creatures and the elders.
They were countless in number, and they cried out in a loud voice:
"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain 
to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength,
honor and glory and blessing."
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth
and under the earth and in the sea,
everything in the universe, cry out:
"To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be blessing and honor, glory and might,
forever and ever."
The four living creatures answered, "Amen, "
and the elders fell down and worshiped.
John envisions the throne room of heaven. This description will orient John's hearers and readers in the throne room scenes repeated throughout the book. He hears praise from everyone and everything, from angels to plants and animals.  They are praising the One on the throne.  The four Gospel writers answered "Amen," and everyone kneels.
The symbolic creatures are:
Lord, John's vision sounds like Mass to me.  Don't You sit on the throne of the priest's hands?  Aren't our voices praising You.  "Amen! Amen."
   Until we meet in Your throne room, I will give blessing, honor, and glory.
In the Eucharist, Jesus is the sacrifice and God.  He is one of us and Our Lord and Savior.  He is worthy of praise, forever.  But I, Lord, am not worthy that You should come to me.  But speak the words of forgiveness that I may approach to express my love of You, forever.
O Sacrament most holy,
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be ev'ry moment Thine.
I will write to my "cloistered brother" today and speak of You.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

My Year in Books

Surprise!  Goodreads has a page that tells people what you read last year.  And it's organized by the 
star rating you gave.  I was embarrassed to see that in the entire year of 2018 I gave my friend's book the lowest rating.  I glad she's not computer literate.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...