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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Strange Day

This morning I was sleepwalking.  Whenever I have to wake up early, I don't sleep well.  I guess I'm afraid I won't wake up in time. 

First, I arrived at 7:00 for Mass because I was the lector.  In looking over the announcements I saw that I wasn't the lector. But I was sure I was.  I looked again.  I was the lector, but not the 7:00 Mass.  I was scheduled for 10:30.  But the 7:00 needed a lector so I stayed and read.

After Mass, I went to breakfast with friends.  Halfway through the meal, I noticed I was drinking the wrong coffee! 

I made it back to the church in time for the 10:30 Mass.  So two Masses in one day!!!

After Mass, a friend asked me to go on a hike with her.  We made arrangements to meet.

It was a nice walk in Wollomonopoag Conservation Area if you could ignore the mosquitoes.  They were terrible! But this woods is one of my favorite hikes because they contain a blue heron rookery.

We had strange company. As we started two dogs started walking with us.  I looked around and the few cars that were in the parking lot were empty, except one. The dogs must have belonged to that man talking on his cellphone. We thought nothing of it.  The dogs walked with us.  I expected they would soon turn around, but they didn't.  I listened for a whistle or something for the dogs to be called back to their master.  But there was nothing. The dogs stayed with us until we turned around.  One of them disappeared. 

We walked around the pond and the dog kept going in the water to cool off and drink.  He didn't seem disturbed that his friend was gone.  Walking back I started to get worried.  What would we do with this dog?  What if his owner was waiting for him and angry?  Why did we steal his dog?  What did we do with the other dog? What if no one was waiting for the dog? 

We decided to call the police.  The animal control probably wasn't opened. Anyway, as we approached the parking lot, the dog started to run and ran way ahead of us.  When we reached our car, he was gone.

He must live around there.  What a strange day!

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Marianne Cope

Today is a memorial for St. Maryanne Cope.  She was a religious sister who answered the appeal to care for the lepers on Molokai, Hawaii.   ...