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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Maurin and Isidore

Today is the feast of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers.

Lord God,
all creation is yours, and you call us to serve you
by caring for the gifts that surround us.
May the example of Saint Isidore urge us
to share our food with the hungry
and to work for the salvation of mankind.

So I'm wondering if it's such a coincidence that I should be reading about Peter Maurin, this morning.  May God bless him especially on this memorial day of St. Isidore.  Peter Maurin didn't agree with our American outlook of rugged individualism.  As a Catholic, he was communal.  He even went further and adopted "personalism".  This is a philosophy that emphasizes the dignity and free will in each of us.  Each and everyone must take a personal responsibility to help the other.

Peter Maurin is known for setting up farming communes.  There are still some around.  Click on this link to learn about Maurin and his farming legacy. Don't confuse this poor saint with Isidore of Seville.  Isidore the farmer was born and died poor.  Not so the bishop of Seville.  Isidore the farmer is the patron of the United States National Rural Life Conference.

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