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Monday, October 29, 2018

Wrong Way

MUTCD One Way Signs, One Way, Diamond Grade Reflective Aluminum Sign, 18"x6"

I guess I'm a linear thinker.  I guess I take things too literally.  I know I'm an idiot.

I was watching Bishop Baron's video on the Youth Synod and he introduces his topic by saying, "the couple on the road to Emmaus were going the wrong way..." 

They were?  You mean they were going south when Emmaus is north?  I didn't know what he meant.  I vaguely heard the rest of the video because I was stuck on "the wrong direction." 

Not until a friend explained to me that the Bishop didn't mean a physical direction.  He meant that the couple shouldn't have left Jerusalem.  That's where all the action was.  They were going away from the apostles when they should have stayed.


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