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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Faithful Discipleship

Lectio:  Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13

Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth, who have observed his law; seek justice, seek humility; perhaps yu may be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger.

But I will leave as a remnant in your midst a people humble and lowly, who shall take refuge in the name of the Lord: the remnant of Israel. They shall do no wrong and speak no lies; nor shall there be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue; they shall pasture and couch their flocks with none to disturb them.


Zephaniah was a prophet during the reign of King Josiah of Judah (640-609) B.C.  Josiah was a good servant to God.  He tried to change his people's idolatry habits.  Zephaniah reproaches the people but also gives them promise.

This particular reading is taken from two different chapters; one is about the faithful in Judah, while the other is admonishment upon the idolators.  God will judge them.


The reading begins in exhortation.  There are those who are not acting in accordance with God's will.  They do wrong.  They lie.  They worship idols and not the true God.  They put their trust and faith in people and not God.

Zephaniah warns the people that the Day of the Lord is pending.  It will be a day of judgment and desolation.  But there will remain a remnant of the faithful.  They will remain true to the Lord.  They will be humble and guileless.  Their trust will be on the Lord and so they will enjoy His protection and love.


Lord help me to be worthy to be included in Your remnant.  I am Your humble servant.  I only want to do Your will.  I trust only in You, my Lord.  Protect me from the wickedness and snares of the world.  I ask this in Jesus' name.


Jesus, I trust in You.

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