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Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year's Plenary Indulgences

Holy Mother Church grants a Plenary Indulgence to all the faithful who recite the Te Deum "in public" on Dec. 31, in thanksgiving for the year ending.
 On Jan. 1, a plenary indulgence is granted to those who devoutly pray the "Veni Creator Spiritus."
The usual conditions apply: 
-- prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff (on the day of the indulgence)
-- Holy Communion (one for each indulgence, within ~20 days, before or after the indulgenced act)
-- Confession (one Sacramental Confession is sufficient for multiple indulgenced acts, within ~20 days, before or after.
-- a total detachment from all sin, even venial sin.
An indulgence can be gained for oneself, or for a deceased person (but not for the living). One can gain one plenary indulgence per day (in Canon law, a day lasts from midnight to midnight).

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