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Friday, October 30, 2015

Let Me Die Naturally

Rose Ferron 
First I want to make it clear that I don't want extraordinary measures taken to extend my life when I am obviously dying.  I want to die naturally.  I want to be kept free of pain, free of depression but not pressured to end my life for convenience or  others' misperceived judgement.  I want to enjoy every single sunrise and sunset that I can.  And how many sunrises and sunsets that is, is NOT my decision.  It's God's.  I place my life in his hands.  Don't forget.

I believe my life is just as valuable as yours.  Every life is precious--a gift from God.  When I am ill and become disabled, it is an unfortunate burden on everyone.  But I am human and don't want to be pressured by society, laws, doctors, or family to end my life to make everyone else's easier.  Please respect my human dignity.  The disabled and mentally ill are no less valuable than anyone else.  When I am most vulnerable I want to be treated as importantly as if my decisions and opinions are still considered valuable.  

I want my family to stay close to me.  I don't want to miss a single smile.  I want to enjoy every single moment of time until I die on my own.   In 2012, Massachusetts had assisted suicide on the ballot.  The measure was defeated in large part due to the efforts of doctors.  The Massachusetts Medical Society campaigned vigorously against it.  They said there was no need for it.  If pain is an issue, it can be addressed.  Patients can be kept comfortable until death by adequate pain control.  If a patient needs depression medicine, that also can be provided.  

In December 2011, the chief policymaking body of the Massachusetts Medical Society voted to oppose
physician-assisted suicide. (This vote reaffirmed a policy established in 1999.) The policy also reaffirmed the
Society’s support for patient dignity and the alleviation of pain and suffering at the end of life:
“The Massachusetts Medical Society will provide physicians treating terminally ill patients with the
ethical, medical, social, and legal education, training, and resources to enable them to contribute to the
comfort and dignity of the patient and patient’s family.” 1
Lynda Young, MD, MMS past president, testified about the MMS policy

So please don't forget my wishes.  I want to eek out every morsel of life I can.  My life may not be as useful as I wish, but I will still need love.  Respect my life will be my last wish.  

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