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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why is Tradition Important?

The lady across from me, expressed negative thoughts regarding tradition.  We were playing cribbage.  Someone said the person on the dealer's right has to cut the deck.  She asked why.  The answer was tradition.  To which she said, "Tradition isn't good.  It holds us to the past."  I said, "I think the opposite.  "Tradition lays the foundation upon which we can confidently go forward."  I'm not sure what I said made sense, but I've been thinking about tradition, ever since.

What I wish I had said:

Tradition links us to the past:
                           to our parents, grandparents, etc.
                           to events that formed who we are
                           to places that helped shape us
                gives us a common ground with our relatives
                helps us share memories
                compares hopes and dreams of our parents with their parents
                helps us understand our heritage better
                helps us share family memories and love  
                is something to have pride in
                gives us hope in the future built when we view our past
                passes on the love of our families
                brings the family closer together
What a wonderful inheritance!  


RAnn said...

I agree; traditions are what hold us together as a people, whether "people" means family, church, sorority, club, university etc.

Joann / Lioness said...

Faith, I believe tradition makes us rich with the graces poured out across the centuries.I think your post compliments a teaching by Saint Vincent of Lerins on The development of doctrine, which is part of today's Office

Anonymous said...

Faith, I believe tradition makes us rich with the graces poured out across the centuries.I think your post compliments a teaching by Saint Vincent of Lerins on The development of doctrine, which is part of today's Office

Anonymous said...

Hi good morning!

Just wanted to let you know that today is Nov 5 2015.

When I just came on it said a visitor just stopped by, or words to that effect...but it says Oct 2014. I know they thought the date was current, because it was me visiting.

Also, I know this is Blogger, but the blurb came from a feed on your site called feedjit or something like that.

Have a great day!

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