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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

My fellow bloggers and I were asked the question, "What do you like best about your parish?".  We're on This And That and The Other Thing, every Sunday, where we link together.  Click here to see what I'm referring about.

Anyway, what I like best about my parish is that it's big.  It has many ministries and groups, i.e., something for everybody.  It's my spiritual family.  It's my faith home.  Actually, the word home sums it up.  It's home.

This is what I was busy with this week:

Monday--Museum of Science

Tuesday--My personal philosophy

Wednesday--The difference between a sermon and a homily


Friday--Mass greeting, NOT!

Saturday--Gobble, gobble, gobble.....

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Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...