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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Our Lady of the Rosary
October 7 is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  With this in mind, I meditated upon this famous picture known as Little Garden of Paradise, by an unknown artist, Rhenish Master, c. 1410.

Mary is seated in a garden.  Connect garden to Eden.  She is surrounded by flowers and a tall wall.
            Mary is wearing a crown.
            The baby is being tended to by young maidens.  Think Jesus being taught by angels. 
            St.  Michael (adorned in flowers and St. George in armor) sit talking.
            Flowers are everywhere, so are apples.  (Think Adam and Eve tasting the apple.)
            See the food on the table.  (altar)
Because of Mary, we can approach the Garden of Eden through her Son's sacrifice.  Do you see that little, tiny, man hiding in the dark shadows?. It's Satan.  See St. Michael's foot on him.
That's the tempter from the Garden of Eden

The first thing you see in this picture is the child, with light bouncing off Him.  Mary is the next focus your eyes will see.  But you have to really look to find that little insidious devil.

Don't be fooled.  Satan hangs around.          

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