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Saturday, July 9, 2011

What does it all mean?

See what you make of this: happiness, sadness, gospel.

This morning upon leaving my home, I stopped dead in my tracks.  There before me the sun's rays were fingering through the trees branches and falling on the sparkling dew wet grass.  It was breath-taking.  I tried to take a picture of it on my iPhone, but the sun's rays didn't come across.

Approaching my car I was quite dismayed to see a small pile of something on my car's roof.  A dirty bird?  Sap from the tree?  It was kind of too big to be bird poop, or sap.  It was a gray pile of matter about the size of my fist.

I went in the back yard and picked up my granddaughter's pail and shovel.  I carefully scraped up the disgusting mass of whatever it was.

It was a poor little bird.  It looked kind of embryonic.  Some predator bird must have picked it out of its nest, and it was too heavy for it, so it dropped it on the roof of my car. ( I'm creating a story for the entire incident.)

Anyway, I started to say a pray for it.  Then thought.  Aquinas says birds don't have immortal souls so what am I praying for?  Is AQ wrong (perish the thought)?  But shouldn't some sort of remembrance be made for a creature's life.  So I prayed for my understanding of it all.

At Mass, the Gospel was Matthew 10: 24-33.     "...Are not two sparrows...  Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge..."

Ah............Nietzsche is wrong.  Religion and reality do come together.

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