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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This is a hash tag for a new Twitter group, I just discovered.  I lurked tonight and the hour flew by.  They discussed using social media in church, what needs to be in place, and QR which is the Quick Response codes or bar codes products have.  I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I gather that this chat takes place every Tuesday night at 9:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).  Any interested person can participate (or not, like me) and it's for all denominations that like to discuss topics of mutual interest.

The hash tag #chsocm is easy to remember if you associate it with Church Social Media.

I kept thinking of my parish.  It's not that I don't think we couldn't have the latest social media; I just don't think it's needed.  People like the bulletin.  That's where the vast majority are getting their parish news.  I don't see anyone (unless it's the teen Mass) checking their iPhone for updates, during the homily.  And we're doing alright.  We have one of the best, if not the best parish web site ever made by man. We have online registration for joining the parish, and other activities.  The pastor sends out important notices and appropriate messages via email.  Ministry schedules are on-line.  The parish is on Face Book.  Our entire Religious Education communicates via email.  We have what we need.

So if social media reflects the culture of the parish, then St. Mary's is up there.  Let us pray for those who fear new communication initiatives.
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