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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Come Eat

It's lunch time and I'm reviewing the Readings for this Sunday, the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  They all have to do with food.  Food is important and I'm getting hungry.  Maybe that's why these Readings appeal to me.

The First Reading, Reading I: Isaiah 55:1-3  is about an eschatological banquet.  This is the one I'm proclaiming.  Pray that I do it justice and that the people are open.  I fully understand what eating without satisfaction is.  Trying to eat food that is low on carbs, calories, and yet is nutritious, often does not satisfy.  But none of this food will satisfy anyone spiritually, anyway.  Nowadays people are so conscious of what they eat.  They read the nutrition labels on the packages.  They watch their portions.  They count points, exchanges, calories, carbohydrates, and what not....    All for naught, if they're not eating the best for spiritual health.

The Eucharist  is the bread and wine transubstantiated into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  It will satisfy your hunger and thirst.  And there's another reason I'm glad I'm Catholic.  

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