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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Idolatry of Celibacy

I was going to put in a picture of a chastity belt from Zamanta's public domain file, but, ugh! they're all ugly.  I would think all you'd need is something to remind you to change your focus, e.i., an elastic around your wrist, or something.  Good grief, just google "chastity belts," and you'll see why I'm so repulsed.  What contraptions!

Anyway, why am I looking for pics of chastity belts?  Because I want to tell you about the idolatry of celibacy.   Idolatry is excessive devotion to something.  Well, recently, my "cloistered brothers" and I were discussing people who are so proud of their celibacy that they're beating their chests about it.  "Look at me.  I've given up wife and family to live a life that is pure.  I've given up children.  I'm strong.  I've done all this for God."

Not only are some of the "cloistered brothers," guilty, but so are some priests.  Idolatry isn't only worship of golden idols, or money; it can be the inordinate pride one has in their celibacy.

In fact, Fr. Robert Barron, in quoting Fr. Andrew Greeley (?????) says that celibacy is what's so fascinating in the priesthood.    He calls it mystical.  

See.  You have to be careful.  Celibacy is a state of being.  "Mystical" borders on making it idolatrous.

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