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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Picture of graves decorated with flags at Arli...Image via Wikipedia
On this day of remembrance, it's good to go to Mass.  I was going to say church, but we're having an outdoor Mass in the cemetery.  Memorial Day is to honor all American soldiers who have died defending our country.  This day of remembrance use to be called, Decoration Day.  President Grant started the tradition to honor all who died during the Civil War.

A good website to read and reflect upon is maintained by the descendants of soldiers who died in the Civil War.  It's a reference site that will direct you to other readings.  There's plenty of thought provoking literature.

While I was praying for our brave soldiers, I realized how blessed I am to be Catholic.  Catholic is the best religion to die in.  We are always praying for our dead.  We don't just dedicate one Memorial day to be remembered.  Our souls are constantly being prayed for.  One day I'll be one of those "Holy Souls in Purgatory," that the parish prays for.  My death will be considered a beginning of a new life.  Memorial Masses, All Souls Day, novenas for the dead will be prayed.  My funeral will be a Mass of Christian burial in sacred ground.  And being a Lay Dominican is an extra bonus.  Rosaries will be prayed for the repose of my soul, by my Dominican Family.  I thank God that I belong to the best Order to die in, and the best religion.

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1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Nice post. I think there are many good reasons to be Catholic. (Richard Rohr wrote an entire book about that!) Happy Memorial Day!

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