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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bl. Hyacinth Marie Cormier, O.P.

Bl. Hyacinth Marie Cormier, O.P.
It's late.  I just got in from a meeting, but I just have to write down my thoughts.  Today, in the Dominican Liturgical Calendar, is the Feast Day of Blessed Hyacinth Marie Cormier, O.P.  I just love his life story because of the way he allowed the Holy Spirit to move.  He just stepped out of the way and let God do His stuff.

Bl. Hyacinth was of such delicate health that he was given the religious name of "Hyacinth."  It seemed that he was always hemorrhaging.  In fact, his hemorrhaging kept him from being professed as a Dominican friar.  The friars didn't want to do it.  Hyacinth appealed to the Pope.  The Pope said that if Hyacinth could stay hemorrhage free for a month -- 30 -- days, he would be professed.  And Hyacinth almost made it.  He was perfectly healthy for 29 days.  Then on the 30th day he hemorrhaged.  It was so bad a hemorrhage, that he was close to death.  As he lay dying, the friars finally professed him.

Then he got well.  Ha!  The Holy Spirit wanted Hyacinth to be a Dominican friar.  Not only was Hyacinth a friar; he was ordained a priest; he was elected prior; he was elected prior provincial; he was elected Master General of the Dominican Order.  You just can't stop the Holy Spirit.

Bl. Hyacinth Marie Cormier founded the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas in Rome, known as the Angelicum.  Not bad for a sickly kid.

I'm telling you, the Holy Spirit moves as it wills.  You might as well yield to it; it always wins.

h/t Moniales     and   the   Dominicans in Australia

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