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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Catholics Know How to Celebrate

Pope John Paul II on 12 August 1993 in Denver ...Image via Wikipedia
The royal wedding of Prince William and Kate was beautiful.  But the beatification ceremony of Pope John Paul II was spectacular!  I was flipping from CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and  EWTN, not wanting to miss anything.  The ceremony and pomp were awesome.  Rome and cities all around the world cheered and applauded JPII's beatification--this is the second step to possible sainthood.  Now that JPII is beatified, he may be considered a holy man.  He is now designated as Blessed Pope John Paul II.
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Covnitkepr1 said...

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Anonymous said...

A great man, friend, pastor, shepherd, successor, leader, believer and servant of God.

A person who tried to reach the unreachable just to share the Gift, our beloved Father has been giving to us; sacrifice, Jesus had made for us; Love, Mary had shown us; and Loyalty, the Apostles and Saints have thought us.

He was and will be the greatest man the modern world have ever seen!

Blessed Pope John Paul II, pray for us.

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