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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Amaretti Lite

Amaretti Lite, like it?  That's what I'm going to call my Italian cookie.  (See this morning's posting.)  I went shopping after work for the ingredients.  If T.O.P.S. choses my recipe, I plan to make some alterations.  First, I'm adding Amaretto.  The mixture was too dry, anyway.

I wouldn't form the dough into balls.  Actually, I thought they'd melt down, but they didn't.  The result was that they took too long to brown, and the bottoms got too brown.  They just don't look that good.  Next time, I'll flatten the dough on the cookie sheet.

Even if my T.O.P.S. group doesn't pick my Amaretti Lites, to enter the St. Rocco Italian Cookie Contest,  I'm still making it again.

I  can do better.

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