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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Afraid Not!

    A piece of string thinks he has a vocation to the Dominicans.  (Yes, even string can preach.)  So the piece of string rings the doorbell to the priory.  A friar answers the door and the piece of string says he wants to speak to the prior.  The prior comes and the piece of string tells the prior that he would like to join the Dominicans.  "But, you're a piece of string!" exclaims the prior.  "So?" says the piece of string.  "We don't accept string in the Order.  The LFSD is enough!  But I draw the line at string entering.  No I'm sorry but no pieces of string may enter the Order of Preachers."
   What a sorry sight to see the poor piece of string droop away.  Dejected and alone he told his tale of woe to his string friends.  One of them comes up with a brilliant idea.  He said, "Take your two ends of string and tie a big, bit knot in them.  Then take the two ends above the knot, separate the strands and tease them into frizzies.  There, it looks like hair.  No one will recognize you."  
     So we find the piece of string ringing the bell to the priory, again.  Once again, the prior comes.  The piece of string asks to be admitted to the Order.
     The prior does a double take.  "Hey," he accuses, "Aren't you the piece of string that came yesterday?"
     Nope.....a-frayed knot!


Anonymous said...

Guess I'll have to give that a lo..not sure its an lol though hee hee

Faith said...

Well, whad'ja know:

All You Need is to Love God

Peter Kreeft's How to be Holy is a guidebook.  If I were a spiritual director I would recommend this book.  I would be discussing the c...