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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prayer Request

"Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 29, 2010," says an e-mail alert. "At 11:11 a.m. Pacific Time, 12:11 p.m. Mountain Time, 1:11 p.m. Central Time, 2:11 p.m. Eastern Time, we would like everyone to stop what they are doing and spend a few minutes praying for the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico region. Man has for too long tried to rely on his own feeble knowledge to fix disasters in the world. It is time for man to ask God to intervene in this disaster. Why on earth has the human race decided that it is the only one that can do anything? God has and always is in control at all times. At this time we are in a crisis that is beyond our technological capabilities, we need to be humble and pray. As a stiff-necked people we are trying to go beyond what we can do and we need to ask God for His pardon and help. So, on Tuesday, June 29, 2010, we need to stop for a few minutes, humble ourselves before our Creator, ask His forgiveness and ask Him to help end the crisis in the Gulf. The 29th is the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul, apostles to our Lord Jesus. It doesn't matter what version of Christianity you are, the differences need to be set aside, and we all need to pray as the Christians that we are. Please send this to as many people as you know that will pray on this day. God hears all our prayers and maybe if we set aside our pride for a while, He will be happy with us as humans doing His will and not ours. God bless you all."

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