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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is Truth?

The media drives everyone crazy. Does anyone believe anything they say?

I fall for it myself. Last week they had me rethinking global warming. The media reported that some emails were hacked that showed the climate scientists in a bad light. They were expressing doubts and questioning each other. But think about it. These were e-mails, not final documentation. e-mails are discussions. And discussions involve doubts and contradictions. Geesh! Man-made global warming is not a fabrication. See the Panel on climate change.

Also going around a couple of weeks ago was the "you tube" video of Obama admitting that he was Muslim. Who would be gullible enough to believe a video? Obviously, the video was purposely edited to omit words to create a false impression.

Yesterday and today, it's all over our local news that the Taunton School System has singled out a little child for drawing a picture of Jesus. The boy's father was on TV showing the picture, (which was innocent enough--a crucified Jesus). However, today we hear the school's story: that's not the picture in question. Whoa! Will the media get the facts before they upset families and create turmoil. The facts need to be sorted out.

How about that picture of Obama standing with his hands by his side while everyone else is showing respect to the flag and National Anthem. Guess again. That's not what's happening. The song is "Hail to the Chief." Oh.

What about the innoculation misinformation: safe...unsafe...tainted...not enough...?

What is truth, is Pontius Pilate's famous question. Well, the Truth was staring him right in the face.

The truth is not a book, person, government, picture, TV station, a movie, a recording, or even the law. It certainly can't be ascertained through intelligent reasoning. The Truth can only be known when your heart and mind are open and ready. Truth requires being open to God. "I am the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6.

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