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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adopt Fast Eddy

Eddy is a Greyhound. He is also a N.E.A.D.S. dog. NEADS is a non-profit organization established to train and provide rescued dogs to assist people in leading more independent lives, whether at work, school, or home. These are trained service dogs. Once trained they become an extension of their owners. As you can imagine, the dogs bring assistance, security, freedom, relief, and love to people who may very well have become isolated and helpless.

Eddy is a rescued greyhound. When he entered the NEADS program he was obviously abused. You couldn't even pet him because he'd shy away from your hand. He was so skinny you could count his vertebrae. After a few weeks, he was very changed. Even his facial expression had changed. What a difference some TLC makes! One of my cloistered brothers was assigned to care for Eddy. That's how I got to know him.

It turns out that Eddy has flunked the training. There are many reasons for this: temperament, personality, acclimation facility, health, ability to focus, etc.. Many dogs flunk. They are affectionately known as "flunkies." Even so, they make wonderful pets. They're already trained, been to obedience school, have shots, been to the vets, etc.

Eddy is one of my favorites. If I didn't have Dallas, the bi-polar cat, I'd adopt him no matter what hubby said. I'd like some wonderful family to get him.

If you'd like to talk to his trainer, Christina, call (508) 989-5859, or email

Look up N.E.A.D.S. to see what a great program this is.

Eddy may not fit in a Christmas stocking, but he'd lie under your Christmas Tree very quietly.

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