The tree fell over a couple of nights ago. We went to see what that noise was, and there was the tree spread out on the floor. We just picked it up and it stayed put.
Why did it fall? We don't know. And Dallas was asleep on a bed, so she's not guilty. She doesn't bother with the tree, anyway. Any ornaments that fell off we just threw back up onto the tree, figuring it's going to fall again, so why bother.
As you can see things are a little askew. The tree top angel is about to fly off, but that can't be helped. Besides, like I said, what if it fall, again?
The tree also matches our advent wreath. For some reason, the candles have melted away. We can't light them anymore; they're down to stubs. And that's another thing. Our advent wreath broke. In order to fix it we would have had to weld the candle holder to the metal frame of the wreath. We don't know how, and don't have the tools to do that, especially for a cheap wreath. So we just took four unmatched candle holders and placed them around the wreath. Looks like he**.
Now the candles have melted too fast. Mmmmm, about par for the course.
Not to mention that Dallas keeps squashing her fat body inside the manger knocking Mary and Joseph aside.
Did I tell you that my oven's busted? I'm waiting for the repair man now. No Christmas cookies. :-(
If it weren't for Jesus coming, I'd think somebody invited the Grinch. I'm focusing on Jesus. I have to. He's what's important--not cookies, trees, wreaths, candles, or perfect mangers. Bah Humbug. No, Merry Christmas!
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