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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Husband Gifts

Have you ever received a gift that you didn't want, but you knew that the giver put his/her whole heart into it and is just watching your reaction?

Most wives know what I'm talking about.

Many husbands are clueless when it comes to buying their wives gifts. They think they've hit upon the best gift ever, and in reality it's the last thing their wives would ever want. And then they present the gift with such happy, hopeful expectation illuminating their faces, that we wives....well what can we do.....(sigh).

They really are dears.


We were talking about this at work today. One wife received a new camera. She loves her old camera. She's still learning all the many features on it. She takes it every where and is always taking pictures. Hubby to please her bought her the latest model on the market. She hated, loved it. It has a strap to go over her right hand to make it easier to secure the camera. Holding it in her right hand allows the fingers to access all the buttons and dials and gizmos within easy finger reach. It can switch from camera to video. It has audio and is wonderful, except for one thing. She's left handed. :-(

My story is that hubby bought me a TV with a DVD inside it. That was why he bought it. :-/

How much do you want to bet that they won't break at the same time? I mean one or the other is going to break and I'll have a broken appliance that I can't throw away because the other half still works.

Are we wives ingrates?

Not really. We do appreciate the thought and love that went into the gifts. That's why we don't return them for something we really want. We don't want to break their dear, dear, but misguided hearts.

God bless them.

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