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Sunday, April 5, 2009


I'm working on writing a sestina about one of my "cloistered brothers." The sestina is a 39-line form, constructed of six sestets (six-line stanzas) and a final three-line envoi bringing the poem to a close. The words that end each of the lines within the sestet are the same for each of the poem's stanzas, and they repeat in a very particular pattern, as follows:

123456 615243 364125 532614 451362 246531 + envoi (25/43/61)

This is a very strict pattern. Each stanza is based upon the stanza directly preceding it. The order for a stanza uses the lines of the prior stanza.

I'm having difficulty with the meter. I want iambic pentameter. It's work, but it's fun. Hey, some people do crossword puzzles, some suduku, I write sestinas.

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