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Monday, December 16, 2013

Traditional Mary

See these artists' depictions of Mary at the Annunciation.  My "cloistered brothers" and I were discussing the artists' interpretations.  Of course, this led to our own individual ideas of Mary at the Annunciation.

I think we passed a couple of hours in discussion.  It was very spiritually fruitful.  I was very impressed with this session.  I'm still meditating about our thoughts.

What is troubling is the fact that some people miss out on the Catholic view of Mary, the Annunciation, and Incarnation of Christ.  Walking away from having this graced filled experience with my "cloistered brothers,"  I walked with a couple of Protestant ministers.  I was so filled with the enthusiastic  benevolence I had received from this discussion, that I talked about my experience with these ministers.

I showed them these pictures.  I pointed out the various different expressions on Mary's faces.  I rattled on about some of the insightful comments my "cloistered brothers," shared.  I was happily praising and presenting my own interpretations.

But they looked embarrassed.  They put their heads and eyes down.

One of them said, "I take a more traditional view of Mary."

"OK"  I said.  "What's more traditional than Fra Angelico's Mary?  Look at this beautiful picture of the angel announcing...."  I could see he was shaking his head "No."

"OK" I continued.  "You know Mary is called the New Eve.  How far back do I have to go, for you to consider Mary traditional?"

They walked away from me, shaking their heads.

I don't get it.  They can't even look at Mary?  They can't look at art?  What do they do in school when the teacher discusses Michelangelo, Botticelli, Rembrandt, Lippi, etc?

Who do they think the scriptures are referring to as the Daughter of Zion, the embodiment of Nation Israel, the Ark of the Covenant, the bride at the Messianic Wedding Banquet, etc.?

What about Genesis 3: 15
Isaias 7: 1-17
Micheas 5: 2-3
Jeremias 31:22

Wow.  I don't get it.  Thank God I'm Catholic and can appreciate more fully the Trinity and all its revelatory experience.

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