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Friday, December 13, 2013

Lucy Lego

Lucy Lego’s Christmas Ordeal

The big tub said 1000 legos.  But nobody bothered to count.  Among the lego blocks were some lego people.  Lucy was one of them.  She was a happy lego little girl.  She loved to play with the children and had as much fun as they did.

The children received the 1000 legos for Christmas and liked to play under the Christmas tree with them.  Particularly nice, was when all the lights in the room were turned off, except the Christmas tree lights.  Lucy Lego’s eyes sparkled with the reflection of the lights. 

She was a favorite of the children because there weren’t any other child legos.  There were her parents, and a lego dog and a lego cat.  Sometimes the children would fight over her.  This frightened Lucy because their Mother said that she would take Lucy Lego and throw her away, if the fighting didn’t stop. 

But the fighting didn’t stop.  One little boy was mean, and refused to share.  This made the little brother  cry, and the other children called him a “cry baby.”

Mother came in the room and picked up Lucy Lego, and made the children pick up all the other 999 legos.  The cover was put on the lego tub, and Lucy Lego was carried away.  Everyone was sent to bed.

Lucy Lego cried too.  Any minute she expected the Mother to throw her away in the waste basket.  But she didn’t.  Mother put Lucy Lego in an empty sugar bowl in a cupboard.

If Lucy Lego weren’t so confused and worried, she would have noticed that she was saved.  She wasn’t discarded with the trash, at all.  She was in a safe place.  The cupboard wasn’t so bad.  She could hear the family and the children.  Once in a while, when the cupboard was opened, she could even get a peak outside. The sugar bowl was pretty and cozy.

The twelfth day after Christmas, Grandma was coming over for dinner.  The cupboard was opened and the best dishes were taken out, along with the creamer and sugar bowl.  Mother took Lucy Lego out of the sugar bowl and dropped her into an apron pocket.
After dinner, the children went to play under the tree, as usual.  The Father gathered the children around himself, and told the children the story of the three Magi, following the Star of David, to find the promised baby, Jesus.  The three Magi brought gifts for the new born baby.  And to carry on that tradition of gift giving, Father gave the children a big box of crayons.  Grandma gave the children a music box that played Silent Night.  And Mother gave the children Lucy Lego.

The screams of delight echoed Merry Christmas!

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 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...