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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Ascension Craft


Watch Jesus ascend.

This is how we made it.  Around Advent, I was given a kissing ball.  It was beautiful and lasted not only throughout the Christmas season but to Valentine's Day.  To get rid of it, I just tossed it out onto the snow in the garden.  And there it languished.

When Spring came and I started to clean out my garden, I came across the much ravaged Kissing Ball.  I pulled out the dead pine and decorations and kept the styrofoam ball in the middle.  Through the center of the styrofoam ball was the metal hanger.  I could have pulled that hanger right through the styrofoam but I didn't.  I was thinking of making a mobile.  
       Ascension Thursday is coming up.  Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  The grandchildren and I painted the styrofoam ball blue for the sky and glued cotton balls on it for the clouds.  After all Jesus went up in the clouds.

Now it just so happens that I'm a packrat and rarely through anything away.  I reuse it or save it.  When my six-year-old granddaughter was three, she brought me a blasphemous Jesus.  But she didn't know it.  She thought she was buying me a present that would really make me happy.
Silly isn't it.  But how could I throw it away--you should have seen her little face when she gave it to me?  It's a good thing I didn't because the Dancing Jesus was perfect for our Ascension craft.  Don't you agree?

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