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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Intestine Conflicts

 Pope Francis' latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti uses the words, "intestine conflicts."  It made me laugh out loud.  What is that?  Does it mean "gut wrenching?"  Maybe it means, "upsetting one's stomach?"  

Here's the complete sentence, " Will the wounded man end up being the justification for our irreconcilable divisions, our cruel indifference, our intestine conflicts?

This paragraph, # 72, is talking about the parable, "the Good Samaritan."  So will people use leaving the wounded man as justification for calling the religious people hypocrites?  What about the wounded man, being Jewish, have a gut-wrenching reaction to the Samaritan helping him because the Samaritan TOUCHED him?  Will the Samaritans accuse the Jews?  Will the Jews accuse the Samaritans?

Intestine conflicts???????????

It must be a mistake in translation.  Makes me wonder what else the pope has said that was mistranslated.

1 comment:

Ron Krumpos said...

See if you can find that encyclical in Italian or Spanish then use Gppg;e translate to find "intestinal conflict." Google is not always 100% correct, but it certainly be better than that translation.

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